26 She/Her Current Icon: May Anastasia

Don't add me if you are level 0-3 on steam

Don't add me if your profile is private

Don't add me if you're a scammer (I'll know)

Don't send me links (Pictures are okay now due to how the new steam chat works.)

Please don't call me without asking first.

And lastly, have a lovely day <3
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Изиграни 243 ч.
I absolutely hate this game with a passion. It can go die in a hole for all I care for all the times it has angered me.

But I can't step away from it. It feels as this game is amazing, as one momment you're on top of the world and the next you're in a pit of despair only to get back onto the top by doing something stupid. The hit of dopamine you recieve from the high points are just something you can't get from many other places.

Armello is a 4 player board game where they must compete for the crown of Armello, either through fame or combat. With a unique cast of 8 (20 if you have all the dlc) characters and the random map generation, every game feels different.

Sure most of this game is RNG, but what I reccomend for you is to get a group of friends and just play it together with them, and try not to take it as serious as I do (I swear I've woken my neigbors multiple times from how loud I yell).

So yeah, it's a pretty good game if you ask me.
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1,5 изиграни часа
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89 изиграни часа
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307 изиграни часа
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stay possum :esc_possum_back::esc_possum_front:
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D󠀡󠇩ank⁧󠀡lord 10 септ. 2024 в 1:39 
Hey do you have Dead Island 2?
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+rep :3