JV   Londrina, Parana, Brazil
3/4º ESL BRAZIL PREMIER LEAGUE SEASON 7 (woody, leogod, kaig, kurgan, frostt)
7/8º Gamers Club Masters 2018 RUDE GAME (Woody, Kurgan, Falls, Guuwt, frostt)
1º Gamers Club Masters - QUALIFY ONLINE #1 (falls, kurgan, frostt, guuwt, woody7)
2º Circuito Paranaense de CSGO 2018 @NET (falls, kurgan, brunetiss, frostt, tifa)
2º DreamsWorld 2018 @LAN - CSGO (falls, kurgan, brunetiss, frostt, guwt)
2º Peneirada do LEC @LAN - CSGO (falls, kurgan, brunetiss, frostt, guwt)

Gamersclub []

Fragmovie 1.6 old

Fragmovie 1.6 old
Currently Offline
garrote #FLASHINHA 8 Sep, 2019 @ 4:19pm 
Que isso meu filho... Mitoooo !
ٿ Regina ❂ 2 Jul, 2019 @ 12:15am 
The Analytical Engine weaves Algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard
loom weaves flowers and leaves.
-- Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, the first programmer

Mulder: I don't trust them. I WANT to trust YOU (Scully).

"The X-Files: Ice"

If God had a beard, he'd be a UNIX programmer.
CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..
Doctor: Mr. Griffin I'm saying you're fine.
Peter: Now what? Are you coming on to me?
Lois: Peter, he's not coming on to you. He's trying to tell you you're healthy.
Doctor: ...Can't it be both?
Listen, you big, stupid space-creature. Nobody, but nobody, eats the

-- Homer Simpson
Treehouse of Horror

Marry in haste and everyone starts counting the months.
Love at first sight is one of the greatest labor-saving devices the
world has ever seen.

øtter 30 Dec, 2018 @ 5:56pm 
GUWT9* 28 Sep, 2018 @ 4:56pm 
indiano disfarçado de cubano, naturalizado brasileiro, mais conhecido como frostt
-⁧⁧648 26 Sep, 2018 @ 9:06pm 
Meu amor! Olhe em meus olhos e veja o brilho que eles tem, ouça a voz da minha alma fritando que sem você não sou ninguém
ghoostf01 CSGOSKINS 22 Sep, 2018 @ 7:40am 