
Fredlup 最近的评测

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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 8.8 小时
La mia infanzia ❤️
发布于 2024 年 6 月 30 日。
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总时数 90.9 小时 (评测时 89.0 小时)
Dark Souls is not a simple video game, but a masterful experience, a unique masterpiece of its kind. I invite anyone who is entering the world of Souls for the first time, to treat the opera with the respect it deserves.

This trilogy is not a rage-game (it is often confused for that), it is not about going from boss to boss and continuing to die. Dark Souls must be lived and feeled: It is a journey in which you will see yourself starting out as a futile meaningless creature, ending up to someone who will change the fate of the world forever. The beautiful thing about this masterpiece is that your character isn't the only one who will grow, but you will grow along with him by mastering your skills, weapons and magic.

Remember that the story of Dark Souls is only partly told 'in the classic ways': In order to discover details, secrets and extra touches you often need to look around and read objects descriptions (weapons, armors, etc.) during your trip. Make sure to do that, you will not regret any single second you spent doing this.

The most important thing I want to say to everyone who's reading this is..
Make treasure of the message that's behind this masterpiece. Try to understand what the authors are trying to tell you.
I will not say anything about it, as the journey doesn't have an exact moral of the story. Everyone has a different way and reason to carry Dark Souls in his own heart. For some, this opera turns out to become a life lesson, and I'm not joking about it.
发布于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 212.4 小时 (评测时 183.3 小时)
Dark Souls is not a simple video game, but a masterful experience, a unique masterpiece of its kind. I invite anyone who is entering the world of Souls for the first time, to treat the opera with the respect it deserves.

This trilogy is not a rage-game (it is often confused for that), it is not about going from boss to boss and continuing to die. Dark Souls must be lived and feeled: It is a journey in which you will see yourself starting out as a futile meaningless creature, ending up to someone who will change the fate of the world forever. The beautiful thing about this masterpiece is that your character isn't the only one who will grow, but you will grow along with him by mastering your skills, weapons and magic.

Remember that the story of Dark Souls is only partly told 'in the classic ways': In order to discover details, secrets and extra touches you often need to look around and read objects descriptions (weapons, armors, etc.) during your trip. Make sure to do that, you will not regret any single second you spent doing this.

The most important thing I want to say to everyone who's reading this is..
Make treasure of the message that's behind this masterpiece. Try to understand what the authors are trying to tell you.
I will not say anything about it, as the journey doesn't have an exact moral of the story. Everyone has a different way and reason to carry Dark Souls in his own heart. For some, this opera turns out to become a life lesson, and I'm not joking about it.
发布于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 48.8 小时
Dark Souls is not a simple video game, but a masterful experience, a unique masterpiece of its kind. I invite anyone who is entering the world of Souls for the first time, to treat the opera with the respect it deserves.

This trilogy is not a rage-game (it is often confused for that), it is not about going from boss to boss and continuing to die. Dark Souls must be lived and feeled: It is a journey in which you will see yourself starting out as a futile meaningless creature, ending up to someone who will change the fate of the world forever. The beautiful thing about this masterpiece is that your character isn't the only one who will grow, but you will grow along with him by mastering your skills, weapons and magic.

Remember that the story of Dark Souls is only partly told 'in the classic ways': In order to discover details, secrets and extra touches you often need to look around and read objects descriptions (weapons, armors, etc.) during your trip. Make sure to do that, you will not regret any single second you spent doing this.

The most important thing I want to say to everyone who's reading this is..
Make treasure of the message that's behind this masterpiece. Try to understand what the authors are trying to tell you.
I will not say anything about it, as the journey doesn't have an exact moral of the story. Everyone has a different way and reason to carry Dark Souls in his own heart. For some, this opera turns out to become a life lesson, and I'm not joking about it.
发布于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 206.9 小时 (评测时 206.9 小时)
CS:GO 评测
I grew up with CS, Condition Zero was one of the first games I've ever played on my first PC. When I saw CSGO becoming free-to-play I immediately understood what its fate would have been. As for today (2021) the game is unplayable and full of cheaters. It's not a matter of 'sometimes/in few matches', I'm literally talking about finding one or more cheaters in 3 matches out of 4. It hurts my heart having to write a negative review for a CS game, but what should I do? Just leave a positive feedback and acting like nothing happened and/or is happening?
发布于 2021 年 9 月 24 日。
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