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I'm gonna keep it short and to the point. I loved this game, I reccomend it entirely. I do NOT reccomend playing the minisodes however, because in my opinion they ruin a beautiful storyline. You should play if you love a good 3-ish hour getaway filled with an amazing story, and beautiful graphics. Yes, a game can look beautiful in basically 8-bit graphics.

Story (Of TtM): 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Story (Minisodes) 4/10

To The Moon: 10/10
Minisodes: 5/10
Overall: 9/10
Publicada em 28 de dezembro de 2016.
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35.8 horas registradas (0.5 horas no momento da análise)
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Game is fun, relaxing and enjoyable. Can sit and play while on call, leave to deal with something and come back without having paused the game and just pick back up where you left off. Progression is reasonable and never gets in the way of being able to do stuff. Within an couple hours you have everything you need to leave a planet and explore even more. With lots of different secrets, you can spend hours and hours searching and playing just to see that sweet sweet ending.
Publicada em 27 de dezembro de 2016. Última edição em 25 de março de 2021.
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71.0 horas registradas (0.6 horas no momento da análise)
It's a mod
And it's Garry's
Who doesn't like Garry?
Play it.
Publicada em 27 de dezembro de 2016.
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20.9 horas registradas (6.9 horas no momento da análise)

This game is beautifully crafted, the mechanics are balanced, the voice acting is on point, the character design and personalized system to make your preffered character make it 10x better! I got this game through the F2P weekend deal (December 16-18 2016) and i WILL be buying it probably with christmas money. I enjoyed it so much and 100% reccomend it to other players. One thing I reccomend is if it says at the beginning of a mission "Set difficulty and Find Players" you should find someone. Those missions are DIFFICULT solo so unless your a pro I would suggest not taking them on without some help. The quest system is fantasically built so you can see what levels are better for your skill level. The fast-travel system is realistic and really usefull. Many people thought the story was garbage but I enjoyed it (as much as I got to play). I honestly think that the M rating from ESRB is a bit too high, but that's my opinion, and it's 2016 where having an opinion means you have a death wish. Since I didn't play all the way through I won't be able to make a totally accurate rating but I can give my rating so far. (/SPOILERS/ I got all three characters for the Base Of Operations, and completed about 16 side missions.\END SPOILERS\)

My rating system is Graphics(I have a bad pc), Story, and Content

Graphics: 2/2 (If optimized settings)
Story: 3/3 (As of so far)
Content:4/5 (Too much content locked because of DLC)

Total: 9/10
Pretty awesome game, but could be slightly better if an entire section wasn't blocked because of DLC.
100% Reccomended
Publicada em 19 de dezembro de 2016.
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37.4 horas registradas (1.9 horas no momento da análise)
Edit: I'm leaving the review up since it's hilarious, but as of late there have been a lot less bugs and some decent balancing, so I'm changing my review to positive

So i just finished my maybe 6th round and a HUGE bug came at me. I saw someone get put on a hook and i tryed to help them but while i helped them the giant vine-y thingys killed her and my game went hay-wire. When I walked I would get teleported about a foot or two in the direction I was walking( ,But not when I was being chased :( ). Whenever the guy (the one that looks like a doll covered in red paint) would put me on a hook I wouldn't be able to press any buttons to escape. One of my teamates ACTUALLY got me down (Praise the lord almighty for this miracle). That's when things went MORE HAY-WIRE. Turns out we had TWO FREAKING MONSTERS ATTACKING US, THE BEARTRAP GUY AND THE CREEPY DOLL. Which is COMPLETELY impossible, and now I was teleporting in any which way didn't matter if i was walking in that direction or not. Beartrap guy finally put me on a hook and now it was telling me to press a whole mess of commands (I program a little so I could understand slightly what it was) and i just pressed space to struggle and that worked. By another miracle my teamate ACTUALLY saved me AGAIN. So i just ran but i got teleported to random places at this point.

My game FINALLY crashed and this mess was over. I was intrested in ACTUALLY buying this product (got it with the current FreeToPlay weekend deal) but i think i'll just leave the game alone until the game devs fix this.

It is a VERY fun game when it isn't being crazy, when your teamates don't ditch you because micheal myers, when the bloodweb does work, when the game doesn't freeze for no damn reason, when the game puts you in a lobby with other people and not an empty one, and most importantly when you only have one monster.

6/10 until the fix their s**t
Publicada em 17 de dezembro de 2016. Última edição em 25 de outubro de 2019.
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4.2 horas registradas
I was lonely so i bought a game and talked to a half functioning A.I. till i felt better about myself.

10/10 would play when lonely
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2016.
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6.4 horas registradas (4.4 horas no momento da análise)
Bought game on sale ♥♥♥ why not
Best game ever
Can let bombers into a crime ridden place.
29/10 would kill an economey with Easy mode crutch again.
Publicada em 8 de outubro de 2016.
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29.2 horas registradas (11.6 horas no momento da análise)
Ahh, this game. For those of you who don't like reading TL;DR : The game is fun, especially for people who like RPG's, and the Fan Base is very weird and talented.

Undertale is a game about a small girl who climbs a mountain and trips and falls into a hole. She explores a Monster City and learns about a secret hidden past where Humans & Monsters live together. On the way she can choose wether or not she wants to kill all the Monsters, or spare and let all of them live. A fun RPG where you can play and get multiple endings, and a hidden storyline that seems to be very deep and emotional. You can make many friends, fight long and hard boss fights, and get a happy ending.

Being an RPG it gets alot of hate from multiple people. However this game is Linear and actually extremely amazing. The game itself is (as far as i know) Completely bugless and extremely smooth. The game has a REDICULOUS amount of hidden secrets, an amazing hidden backstory along with an epic main storyline. As far as that goes, the fanbase is a bit extreme when it comes to this game, but if you ignore all of the fans, this game is really fun, very genuine, and not at all hard to beat. There are so many diffrent ways to play. You can play a: Neutral Run, Pacifist Run, Real Pacifist Run, No Mercy Run (Basically the same as neutral), and Geneocide Run. A Neutral run means that you can either spare or kill anyone you choose. A Pacifist Run is basically all sparing, while a Real Pacifist Run requires a bit more to it. (If you plan on Real Pacifist Run I would search up a guide.) A No Mercy Run is whenever you meet a monster you kill it, and a genocide run means you go out of your way to kill every monster. Neutral, Pacifist, and No mercy will obtain the same ending, Real Pacifist gets another ending, And genocide gets it's own ending as well. When you buy this game your supporting a really great guy, and your getting an amazing game in return.

Final Verdict:
1 = Stay Away
5 = So-So, buy if on sale and interested
10 = Highly Recommend, buy at any price

8/10 = Highly Reccommended, buy at 20% discount or more
Publicada em 8 de outubro de 2016.
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0.2 horas registradas (0.1 horas no momento da análise)
First off, people are like "HUSH HUSH NO SPOILERS DON'T TELL SHUSH SHHH!" When it really should be more "Play the game, it's fun and has a nice idea to it. You'll like it. Don't worry about the horror aspect it's not really that bad." I honestly think you guys should play this game, i recommend it. Pretty fun, interesting idea, not revolutionary though... Anyways play the game, don't worry about the horror, and have fun!

Also here's my answers:

Farmer: Why do you have blood on your overalls?
Me: I had to put down one of my sheep today, i'm from the next city over and run a small farm. I thought i changed my clothes but i guess i didn't.
Farmer: Why do you have a knife?
Me: I don't like the dark so i always carry i knife around with me
Farmer: I heard moaning what have you done?
Me: Oh that? I dropped the knife on my foot and it really hurt. I was just moaning a bit back there

Publicada em 28 de julho de 2016.
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14.2 horas registradas (6.9 horas no momento da análise)
(I had a previous review but i don't think it posted so i'll try again)

Well, I finished the game. I have to say, it was very interesting to go through. I enjoyed it for many reasons, but many others don't for the same reasons. Some people complained that it was a very slow and tedious to progress, but I thought it was very fun to have to figure out what you needed to do in order to finish the level. Many complained that getting all the new dimensions took to long, but i thought it was smart of them to add in the dimensions one at a time, making it so you understand the best way to use this dimension, instead of rushing through and never really learning the proper/best way. I agree that the puzzles weren't hard, but this game is pretty old. (Yes, 2012 is old for a game.) The puzzle industry around that time was growing, and this was a great game for it's time. The graphics were also really great, again considering that it was released 2012, and was up in the higher game quality. (Some games released at that year were Borderlands 2, Hotline Miami, Halo 4, Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3, Far Cry 3, MAX PAYNE 3, DIABLO 3, SOMETHING 3 JEEZ LOUIS COME UP WITH A DIFFRENT GAME ALREADY WE DON'T NEED 3 F*****G GAMES... Sorry lost my cool. :) I also agree that the ending was a little anti-climtic, making it kind of a bit hard to want to go back and get all the achivements, but none the less it was an ending that wrapped things up. Another thing would be that we never actually saw our uncle in real life, so that kind of ruined it for me too. Many people said the uncles jokes weren't really funny, but honestly, if you have a real uncle you know that all of their jokes are about as funny as your dad's. (WOOT WOOT just offended a couple orphans here! I am on FIRE!) However even though others complained that the jokes weren't good, i thought they were hilarious, maybe just my sense of humour. Another thing to was that he didn't pretend that you were dumb. He didn't go, "The quaddrople x Semi- automatic fumpwraplle 3000 acts as a negative contrary triplled definied adhesive towarsd any anti-active semi-metals. Oh, that means it makes two metal thingys stick together reall well." He would go "The quaddrople x Semi- automatic fumpwraplle 3000 acts as a negative contrary triplled definied adhesive towarsd any anti-active semi-metals. I remeber the one time my friend made it, but spilled some on workshope table and a piece of metal he was working on, with his hand stuck in between! Oh my, he had a fun time explaining that to the paramedics!" Instead of dumbing it down for you, he simply made it easier for you to understand what happened or what it does.

I think i'm nearing the end of my review now. I'm pretty sure I covered the bigger parts. I think this game would have been amazing if they had added in a world editor so you could build your own little puzzles, and steam workshop support. All in all I rate this game a good 9/10. not perfect but definitely something i would buy again if given the choice.

When i read comments that normally sways my verdict if i should get this game or not. I don't want someone missing out on a game or getting a game and not liking it because of my rating. Decide for yourself if you want to get it or not, my rating should just be something that you read and go "Oh, He liked it. That's good for him." That's all!

Edit: This isn't going to be short. I missed a couple things. I'll try to keep it shorter but i suck at that so... Anyways, people complained about the Physics engine not being very good. I actually had no problem with the controls and thought they were decent enough to use and not be frustrated. It may just be me being used to crudy quality engines, spending my time playing games like- actually maybe i shouldn't mention but you get the point. Another thing people complained about was amount of time it took. I got this on sale for like 2 bucks so i wasn't going to be overly "Wow, I spent 199.99 bucks on this, it better be an amazing game or else i'll be really mad!" I thought the play time was great, and yes i know i spent 11 hours on it, but that was because i left it open for an hour or two, and i accidentaly had to re-play 2 hours worth because of steam save file crap that screwed me over. I thought that it was a great amounnt of time on a game i really enjoyed. I also probably missed something else so there may be another edit.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2016. Última edição em 3 de julho de 2016.
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