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投稿日: 2018年5月21日 7時27分
更新日: 2022年8月21日 11時45分

Despite the many recent bad reviews for Stellaris i still think this is a great game.

For people decided wether to buy this or not and seeing the many negative comments:
With the changes in 2.0 many base game mechanics were changed, the game was slowed quite a bit (my the new war system for example) and several new factors added to the game made it feel very different to Stellaris 1.9, which obviously caused a lot of complaints despite 2.0, objectively speaking, not being a bad game (quite the opposite).

Personally, before and after the changes, ive enjoyed the game and the large amount of variety it offers the player. This of course is increased when playing multiplayer, and i can see why singleplayer can get boring after a while but i do always come back to it. I also feel like roleplaying to an extent, as well as the difficulty options added in 2,0 may help against the possible repetativeness.

Overall: Good game, great graphics, a decent amount of options play-wise, constant updates and a fairly stable multiplayer
Negatives however, a stale late game, some repetativeness and, well, if you played a previous version you might be confused.
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