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Yayınlanma: 12 Ağu 2016 @ 22:45
Güncellenme: 25 Kas 2018 @ 12:21

I reviewed this game awhile back and wanted to revisit it. It is a billion times better. Granted, I no longer have my one shot to the face multi-tool, but I got to trade that in for a far better experience. I stopped playing for awhile because aside from the center, there wasn't much to do. Now there is too much to do in this game and the enviroment really pulls everything together. It is amazing what a small team of amazing people can do with a genius to guide them. Thank you Sony for allowing Sean Murray and his team at Hello Games to make this fantasy a reality. If you're computer can handle it, I highly recommend this game.
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2 Yorum
Marigold 29 Ağu 2024 @ 11:34 
Omg! I've been meaning to get back into it, but my PC is kinda trash lol. So glad they're still supporting it!
CarlTJexican 12 Ağu 2016 @ 23:48 
The probelm for most is they can't play it without stuttering or the game crashing at startup