Imperial Guardsman
Dwarf Fortress Community - 公開群組
The semi-sort of-not really-not quite-official DF community group
已遊玩 0.8 小時
I expected this to be a mindless, plotless bit of cute fluff and lewdness that I could tab over to during downtime in other games.

Instead, I plumbed the depths of human depravity in an unintentional horror story about an eerie world in which people are chattel, either abandoned to die hopeless and alone or treated as a mix of animal and idiot child unless their owners feel like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ them. The developers of Nekopara needed to tackle the question of how their faceless, voiceless player self-insert vehicle would come to live in a cramped apartment with a bevy of amorous catgirls.

They had many options. They chose, apparently totally blind to the implications, the option in which humanity uplifts another terrestrial species to human levels of intelligence, but then elects to keep them as pets/slaves/sex toys, maintaining a system of psychological degradation and police-enforced dependence in order to keep them docile and reliant on their masters.

And nobody comments on this intensely unethical behavior--in fact, it is so normal that people publically praise individuals who chose to maintain sexual relations with sophonts who are a) their property, b) in an extremely submissive relationship (in terms of power dynamics), c) viewed as nonhuman animals or children by most of the population.

That's purely the worldbuilding. I could comment on the fetishization of mating seasons or the usual pseudo-incestuous relationships, but frankly none of that could top the entirely unintentional creepiness of the worldbuilding which makes the plot possible.

Of course this probably came about because they used 90% of the budget animating sex scenes and boob jiggle, leaving their writers to subsist on the packaging from the instant noodles the rest of the team ate. Long-term dehydration and malnourishment probably doesn't help the creative process.

"9/10, needs more mosaic censoring."
Flying escort
Why did you scroll all the way down here?
No, seriously? I know it's not that interesting.