Luci   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
"Well-behaved women seldom make history..."

Be who you are, say what you feel, do as you want.
Those who mind, don't matter. Those who matter, don't mind.
Random Fun Facts & Other stuff:
I'm pretty much a normie.

Nickname: Putatita.
Gender: She/her.
Orientation: Bi (Hetero-leaning).
Nationality: Spanish (British Born).
Languages: English, Spanish, German.
Personality Type: ESTP.
Fave food: Lasagna.
Fave drink: Coffee or red wine.
Fave snack: Chorizo (or antipasto in general).
Fave games: Fallout, TES, Civ 6, SF5, MHW, GTA5.
Fave movies: Clockwork Orange, Beetlejuice, Evil Dead 3.
Fave music: Hardcore, House, most EDM.
Fave bands: RHCP, Headhunterz, Gorgon City.
Fave animal: Lammergeier.

Song currently stuck on repeat: 3D - Jungkook.

Warning: I have no filter and sometimes say lewd/controversial things.
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