
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย FireGryph

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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
5.1 ชม. ในบันทึก
As of this moment in EA, the game is solid. Theres not a lot of content, but it gives a good feel for the combat and mobility systems in place, and as a baseline, a very enjoyable purchase. I'll be eagerly awaiting further updates and the final release as things get polished and added.
โพสต์ 15 มิถุนายน
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82.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (3.3 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
So far Ive run into no real issues, bugs, or crashes. Ive not softlocked, though I almost did due to a mechanic in the game (loss of max HP, and further reduced with each reload.) but otherwise its been a solid, fun game very much taking after the original game.

EDIT: Ive never played a game with a more distinct 'honeymoon phase' than this game. For the first 20-30 hours, things really do seem great, and maybe thats enough to satisfy the itch. Combat is fun enough, the story and questing seems solid enough, the world appears to be big and the world offers a lot to explore! Like a mix of Skyrim and Monster Hunter.
Then all the annoyances and little frustrations start to add up. The main story pacing takes a nosedive. The inconveniences and disrespect of the player's time and patience grows more and more apparent.
You'll spend hours upon hours of being waylaid by goblins, wolves and saurians ANY time you want to go anywhere without a ferrystone. When at first the wonder and curiosity of what youll see next, what you might encounter to fight, drives you onwards and pushes you to explore, you start to realize that there arent any more enemies. There are reskins and slight changes to the model (oh look, that cyclops has armor! That minotaur looks darker and scruffier!).
The devs invented time-sinks to keep you playing, reasons to run back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between settlements and zones for the sake of it. You'll quickly out-level the content and make everything a walk in the park based on numbers alone, overpowering the difficulty simply by running escort quests and doing errands for pointless NPC's.
Your ultimate class skills are locked behind items, usually obtained from completing quests, but you likely wont know what items are key to unlocking these until its too late. NPC-A will give you X skill if you give him some books, but NPC-B will give you Y skill if you give them the books instead. You can duplicate these unique, one-of-a-kind books, but you likely wont know this until youve given the NPC-A the books, and then you cant get them back, locking you out of your master class skill until NG+, or finding someone else to trade them to you via pawns.
This is one example of just how annoying some of the mechanics and game design of this game are.
Even the 'end game' is short, time-limited, and hidden behind an interaction during the finale, moments before the end credits roll.

Theres no way I could recommend this game for any more than $25 in its current state. I dont care about the mtx, those dont matter in the slightest, but the game is good for a playthrough and even then, if you do as the game seems to insist you do and explore, look around, check out caves, piddle about dealing with moronic NPC's, you'll breeze through the game without a care in the world.
โพสต์ 23 มีนาคม แก้ไขล่าสุด 23 เมษายน
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5.7 ชม. ในบันทึก
Game is a ton of fun to relax with and definitely worth some hours of time. Great classic Starfox feel, while adding in the replayability of modern roguelikes, with each running earning you powerups to use in the next runs. Trying out the different ships and pilots to suit your preferred playstyle adds even more of a fresh take on repeated runs, I dont know of any other game that really captures the vibe.
โพสต์ 21 พฤศจิกายน 2023
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13.8 ชม. ในบันทึก
I played through this in Aug 2022, and it was a blast. Since then went back and played through all the souls games, and now I crave more Thymesia. Most unfortunate part about this game is that there simply isnt enough of it! I want more Thymesia!
โพสต์ 5 พฤษภาคม 2023
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22.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (22.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I have to recommend this game, but for two wildly different reasons.

First, the game is just plain fun. I was never very good at the original Sonic games as I could never get in the groove and react quickly enough to maintain the actual fun of the games: going fast. When I was younger I loved the idea of the game, I wanted to play it, but I could never get running for more than one or two seconds before I was stopped by a wall, an obstacle, an enemy, a pit, something.
In Frontiers it feels like they chose to focus on that aspect. Going fast. And they made it accessible to folks like me by doing things like widening your view or giving you more clear-cut paths and slimming down on the obstacles in your way. So I had a ton of fun actually getting to run fast, zoom through areas and levels, generally live the thrill of that core Sonic gameplay.

Now, the second reason I must recommend this is from a game design perspective. While it seems they designed the game in a way to be accessible to a wider range of players, they also seem to have almost given up closer to the end. If this game was a 100m dash, it was sprinting out the gate, and then 75m in was out of energy and decided to walk the rest of the way. It fell so flat in the final area, with so much evidence of either being a rushed job, or the devs just couldnt figure out what else to do with it.
For example, the first few bosses had incredible music tracks to go with them. The tracks get you pumped, the themes work you up, the fights are high octane with just enough in the way of mechanics to make you feel like you are playing the game and doing well. They arent HARD, but they involve you, grip you, you still need to pay attention. Then, the final boss... basically just ambient music, and the mechanics literally dont matter. I finished the boss without knowing a thing about what Im doing, just 'hit here and do damage.' There was zero threat, zero challenge, zero engagement.
The fishing minigame was another great example of the rushed nature of the end game. You can do fishing to earn the various currencies needed to upgrade your speed, attack, defense, ring capacity if you dont feel like exploring every nook and cranny in the world. Each zone has its own fishing hole. For the first fishing hole the rewards are around 2-16 ish tokens, which can be exchanged for upgrade currency. But for the final fishing hole, they ramped that up to 8-48 or so tokens per catch!
One, it means that the first fishing holes are pretty pointless. And two, this sort of overtuned scaling reeks of 'we made it impossible to get lv.99 in the upgrades, so we better scale up the fishign rewards.' By the final zone I was around lv.20 for ring capacity and lv.30 for speed. That was what I had reached with 100% completion in the first few zones. In an hour of fishing in the final hole, I had maxed those out to 99 each.

The game has its flaws, but it has two greatly redeeming factors. Its pure, simple fun. Its not trying too hard to be something its not. There is no attempt to turn Sonic into Elden Ring or such. The game knows thats its a Sonic game, and focuses on that. But at the same time, this game should also be played to see what NOT to do in the end, and has lessons in game development to teach players and devs alike.
โพสต์ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ 2023
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22.5 ชม. ในบันทึก (19.5 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Not fully through the game yet, but I would certainly mark this down as a recommend! Its a solid hack-and-slash adventure game, with plenty of platforming and some puzzles that make it feel quite Castlevania instead of a tedious 'mash X to attack and win' sort of game. The story line is nothing spectacular and doesn't make sense at a lot of parts, but you also get to hear Patrick Stewart more than anyone else!

However, it has some issues. Keeping in mind this is a game from 2013, there are still certain things that really grind my gears.
First, the fact that enemy attacks connect and do damage at the START of their animation is pretty janky. Plenty of bosses have landed killing blows on me before their attack actually makes contact with my model. Each attack seems to have a wind-up animation, which you need to identify in order to react properly, but as soon as the actual attack animation plays, you're gonna get hit, or not.
Second, camera. The camera is fixed into certain angles and placements through the environments, you dont get to control it, and so you may find yourself fighting enemies that are not actually visible on screen. Or, in the middle of a fight, the camera transitions to a different angle and suddenly the fight is taking place in some corner, behind a wall, and you need to break off to reposition into an area with a better camera angle. To make matters worse, the transition of moving from one camera view to the next is sometimes jarring, where the controls are quite wonky.
Third, the checkpoint system sometimes screw you up. Autosaves happen at various points, and they save all of your current health and ability bars. So if you get to a checkpoint with low health, be prepared to fight your way out of the next battle with low HP, again and again and again, until you get through it. Its a good way to master those fights, though! Just a little frustrating when you finally reach a boss, or the second phase of a boss, and with one hit worth of HP left youre stuck loading back into that point over and over.
Fourth, Quick-time events. A lot of them. A sign of when this game was released, be prepared to mash input buttons at points through combat, and hit a button at the correct times during cutscenes even. Im glad this sort of thing has been done away with, and this game reminds me WHY it was so annoying. You just whittled a boss down, defeated him, and instead of relaxing and enjoying your victory you better be paying attention at all times, waiting for that required input during the cutscene! Otherwise... well, you lose and gotta restart from the most recent checkpoint!

However, overall its a really solid game, well put together and a lot of fun to play, so long as you get past those gripes. The experience of playing it is absolutely worth it!
โพสต์ 15 มกราคม 2023
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340.6 ชม. ในบันทึก (218.4 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Everyone knows what this game is. Steam wants me to write a review though. Here you go, steam. Enjoy.
โพสต์ 23 พฤศจิกายน 2022
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10.4 ชม. ในบันทึก
Good, fun platformer with some RPG elements and good combat system. Its not perfect, but it was a blast to play and absolutely worth the price tag. Enjoyed thoroughly!
โพสต์ 1 มกราคม 2022
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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
311.3 ชม. ในบันทึก (45.3 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Needed another 6 months to a year in development, at least. They removed a lot of the features and elements that made BF great, and added a bunch of crap no one asked for. There is literally LESS of what people want from previous games, and its in a messy, chaotic package that feels entirely rushed out the door by corporate money-grubbing twits. The engine itself is a mess, with physics simply not existing. You could be forgiven if you feel this is actually a sci-fi game taking place on the moon or some planet with lower gravity, given the way the hovercraft drive up the sides of buildings and aircraft turn on a dime, or shimmy side-to-side then stop, turn around, shoot into the sky, come back and 360-no-scope you.
For that part of you that wants a solid FPS game with realistic weapon dynamics and ballistics, dont expect it here. There are 3 weapons that stand tall above any other firearm. The PP-29 SMG, with larger magazine size, faster fire rate, better handling and longer range than any of the assault rifles. The SVK which is a simple two-shot kill rifle at any range. And the NWT-50 sniper rifle, which literally destroys TANKS more effectively than the recoilless rocket launcher. TANKS. Dont worry though, you only have to get to rank 60 to unlock it, then get kills with it to unlock the high powered ammunition.
Which, have fun playing the variety of about 5 maps on repeat. Which 75% of the time you cant even get into, because you get stuck waiting for players forever on joining a server, or you get a 'persistent data failure' error and have to rejoin the queue to get into a server.
128 players was a mistake, not a feature. The maps are either so huge that you spend ten minutes running from point to point, or resort to using vehicles of course. Vehicles which are in short supply, high demand, and make you a huge target. Thanks to the new 'specialist' and equipments system they have in place, anyone can have anti-tank rockets, or AA-rockets, and you can swap your gear in game, on the battlefield. So everyone can deal with vehicles without much issue.
Makes a lot of sense when some of the capture points are the rooftops of buildings where the only access is via 2 pairs of elevators, or via aircraft. Put 50+ people on one rooftop, and hjalf of them have anti-air missile launchers... good luck with the aircraft idea. THen let 5 of them call in vehicles on top of that same rooftop, and good luck with the elevators.
Even the UI, right from the get go, needed more time spent in the oven. Who thought these tiles and menus looked good and were clear and obvious? Who thought that on the main screen, the 'options' menu should be labelled 'accessibility' instead?! And thats just where it STARTS! Someone decided that in the squad member list, it was more important to have an icon for which platform someone is playing on (PC, Xbox or PS4) rather than if they are in a vehicle, or what equipment they have, or ANYTHING ELSE.
EVERY single facet of this game needed more work.

All in all, this is a hot mess. Despite my 45 hours in the game, and enjoying most of it, the game gets more and more frustrating and boring each passing hour. Absolutely do not recommend in this current state, and likely could never recommend it. There is too much wrong with it to fix, from weapon balancing to engine and physics code, bugs to vehicle meta.

EDIT: In the past few weeks a number of fixes and updates have been made. While this is great news that they are constantly adding more and more to the game, it also kind of shows that the game was simply released on a deadline rather than when it was ready for release. A lot of the changes were simply and easy features that shouldve been in at release, but it sounds like the entire dev team ran out of time and were forced to ensure the game would at least run at launch, rather than having the polish that a AAA game should have. Sad state of affairs that the almighty $ is dictating the release of games, but such is the world we live in now.
โพสต์ 23 พฤศจิกายน 2021 แก้ไขล่าสุด 6 ธันวาคม 2021
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13.9 ชม. ในบันทึก
Recently revisited this game, its been over 15 years since I last played it after all. With a couple added mods just to give some higher quality textures and effects, this game still stands the test of time and does it well! Different from the more modern Doom games (2016 and Eternal) this is far more a horror-driven, atmospheric experience. Lots of narrow corridors or somewhat cramped rooms, and plenty of jump scares to compliment the hellish situation youre trapped within. Lights go out, darkness everywhere, vision turns red... even the sound design, while not entirely something to write home about, compliments the visuals and sheer tension youre in. Its edge of your seat sort of tension, unlike the experience of fast-paced movement and gunplay and quick-switching of Eternal, this is entirely the sort of 'whats next...?' anticipation, waiting for the next enemy to pop out or show its face.

playing on modern systems I do recommend finding a few mods for graphical quality and the like, but I advise highly against the mods to brighten the game up, or to allow the flashlight while wielding a gun. The experience this game provides is tension, and when you remove that atmosphere it just defeats the purpose. Hence, go for this base game rather than the BFG edition, then do a couple tweaks to get the resolution to your liking and turn down the lights in your room to immerse yourself in the joy that is putting yourself on edge, as you fight to stop a demonic invasion.
โพสต์ 17 พฤษภาคม 2021
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