Göker   Turkey
Is the known universe 99.9999999999999999999958% empty? Or is it 0.0000000000000000000042% full? If so much of the universe is made up of emptiness, what does that mean to people like us, living on a tiny speck in the middle of all of it? Whole lotta nothingness? With so much emptiness, aren't stars, planets, and people just glitches in an otherwise elegant and uniform nothingness, like pieces of lint on a black sweater? You might say that so much emptiness makes the tiny bits of matter that much more meaningful - simply by the fact that, against all odds, they aren't empty. But indeed, without the tiny dots for it to stretch between, there would be no emptiness to measure, and for that matter, no one around to measure it. It seems like we are both pathetically insignificant, and miraculously important at the same time. The fact that you're here, in the midst of all this nothing, is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. In addition to that, we walk around with miniature, emotional versions of the universe inside of us.
Şimdi beni dinleyin uşaklarım,
Boyumdan büyük taşaklarım,
Götüm yere yakın korkun benden,
Sana şiir yazdım en özünden.

Currently Online
Hello, Stranger!
About Me
I see that you are curious about me. And I'm curious as to why. Maybe I wrecked you in a match where you furiously insulted and reported me and now you are here to check on my profile. Maybe you saw one of my reviews and thought "what kind of a dumb ♥♥♥♥ would write this" or "hmm what kind of a nice person would take their time to write this?". Or maybe we met somewhere in non-digital life and I gave you my Steam ID. Or even better, you stumbled across one of my accounts in digital life! Perhaps you saw my name somewhere in the old comments or something of an old post while you were having a nostalgia run. Or perhaps... you have your own reasons.

OK. I am Göker, but if you are a foreigner, you can call me Gok because most people have a hard time remembering and pronouncing my name. Hell, even Turkish teachers back when I was in Turkey! Quite a unique name. I will not write my age directly because I don't want to update this text every year, instead I will state that I was born in 11.11.1999. Yea cool I know :). Go on, calculate how older or younger I am. Done? Fine. I was born in Ankara, capital of Turkey (nope, capital of Turkey is not İstanbul). When I was a child, we would change places quite often. I remember we had lived in Malatya and Ankara when I was very little. When I became 5-6, I started kindergarten in İzmir. For some weird reason, I can't really remember if I went to kindergarten for one year or for two years (maybe because I was only 5 lol). After 1-2 years when I was 7, I started going to a primary school very close to our home. Luckily I changed schools in less than two months because I wasn't learning anything at school and the old teacher there wasn't really a good one. I don't know what would become of me if I continued that school. I probably would not go to a university in the future, become a punk and not learn German and English at all. I also probably would not have managed to pull myself out of that ultra nationalist swamp as well. Nevermind that, I went to another school for 6 years. After education system changed in Turkey, my parents decided for me that going to a private school (college) would be a better idea than going to a state school. Looking back, that was a very smart move. I've met half of my current friends there. At the end of 8th grade, after a year of hard work (lol), I earned my right to go to the best anatolian school (high school) in our area. I met nearly another half of my current friends in this high school. After 4 years of high school, I am now at a university. And yes, all those years (since I was 5!) I have been playing computer games. It has been my dominantly favourite activity in all this time.

My disposition on religious matters is apathetic agnosticism.

Fav Foods
A perfect breakfast for me would consist of simit, poğaça, sucuk, tulum cheese, green olives, fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs sprinkled with black pepper and sweet chili pepper flakes on top of them, strawberry jam, cranberry jam, a bit of honey and some nice black tea to drink alongside.

Also, my favourite food is İskender Kebab, served with melted butter on top with cold sour yoğurt on the side. Preferably Ayran as beverage or anything that will keep you fresh. Only if I could have Künefe filled with cheese and chocolate sauce on top with some vanilla ice cream afterwards... Omg I just ate like 3 hours ago and writing this makes me hungry.

Ranked Achievements
Legendery Eagle Master

League of Legends
TUR Plat 1
EUW Plat 3

Starcraft 2
Gold (With GM micro hehe)

Age of Empires 4
Gold 4

Yeah I'm a pretty average guy. I play video games for fun.

My Definition of the Universe
Is the known universe 99.9999999999999999999958% empty? Or is it 0.0000000000000000000042% full? If so much of the universe is made up of emptiness, what does that mean to people like us, living on a tiny speck in the middle of all of it? Whole lotta nothingness? With so much emptiness, aren't stars, planets, and people just glitches in an otherwise elegant and uniform nothingness, like pieces of lint on a black sweater? You might say that so much emptiness makes the tiny bits of matter that much more meaningful - simply by the fact that, against all odds, they aren't empty. But indeed, without the tiny dots for it to stretch between, there would be no emptiness to measure, and for that matter, no one around to measure it. It seems like we are both pathetically insignificant, and miraculously important at the same time. The fact that you're here, in the midst of all this nothing, is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. In addition to that, we walk around with miniature, emotional versions of the universe inside of us.
Favorite Game
Hours played
Goshawk 20 Jul, 2020 @ 5:27pm 
+rep, good teammate and skilled player
Exertion 18 May, 2020 @ 1:06pm 
+rep On the 20th August 2016 you left me a comment and i am here 4 years later to return the love. I read your description of the universe and i will forever be grateful that i stumbled across it. Deep stuff man.
Captain Flamingo 19 Apr, 2020 @ 8:05am 
+rep headshot go brrr
LaRgeCasTRal 11 Dec, 2019 @ 9:31am 
+rep good team
xxxxx 16 Nov, 2019 @ 12:24pm 
+rep good teammate
erenstappen 16 Nov, 2019 @ 9:19am 
+rep friendly person