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Скорошни рецензии на Asuka 「THE DINGLE」 Soryu

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20.6 изиграни часа
Buy this game, NOW
You remember trying to get out of bounds in your favorite old platformer? Anodyne 1 and 2 are both that perfected, buy them
Публикувана 15 август 2023.
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127.7 изиграни часа (101.3 часа по време на рецензията)
This is the game ever
Публикувана 19 април 2023.
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0.2 изиграни часа
I grabbed this for VR play during a sale iirc, my VR setup broke shortly after so I'm only starting to try it out, and actually diving into it, it straight up doesn't work. Whenever I launched it in VR, the tracking for facing forward and the center of the play area was set wrong, and even in pancake mode now the game is barely playable, when you get an ending you can't put the poster on the wall and therefore can't continue playing until you quit and restart the game.
Публикувана 6 януари 2023.
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3.8 изиграни часа (3.7 часа по време на рецензията)
I really want to like this game more, the gunplay and movement and presentation are all absolutely incredible, but the way they're put together is constantly infuriating. The suburbia intro level was slow but it was fine, it was full of fun encounters they were just placed far apart and i knew it would get better, which it really did in the prison level! But after that, the game has completely devolved into basically a cover shooter, there are snipers, 2 different kinds of suicide bombers, one who respawns in crowds and both lightning fast, any of these enemies will kill you instantly, they are everywhere, and while i could tolerate this with the variety of very fun guns available, the game gives you ♥♥♥♥ all ammo for any of them. When a crowd of exploding monkeys runs at you, you're not allowed to use any of your crowd control on them because the game hasn't given you a rocket in 40 minutes, instead you're gonna headshot all of them one at a time with one of the 4 precision weapons you have ammo for. Several times this level has devolved into either hiding behind a wall and killing snipers with a bow or running around in circles essentially trying to kill ants with a slingshot because i have no rockets. I know I picked hard mode, but easy mode doesn't change much, none of these enemies are individually challenging if you approach them correctly, they're just tedious. Maybe it gets better, but I'm only able to play this ♥♥♥♥ 5 minutes at a time before I want to rip my hair out.
Публикувана 23 юни 2022.
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106.8 изиграни часа (20.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Really an incredible game, I think the gameplay falls off a little bit in the second act but the rest of the game is way too good for that to ruin it, buy this game now!!
Публикувана 30 октомври 2021. Последно редактирана 6 декември 2021.
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103.6 изиграни часа (43.0 часа по време на рецензията)
RE7's unlockables and slow progression into something of an action game made it one of my favorite games ever, and if you wanted that feel on steroids like I did then this game DELIVERS
The only downside I can think of is that it was clearly built around consoles and ported pretty messily, the menus were obviously built for controller and feel very clunky navigating with a mouse, and the optimization on some enemy effects are really bad, like dropping to 5 fps for a few seconds bad. While I love the game regardless I can't be sure its really worth 60 dollars with that in mind. If you really liked re7 then get it, otherwise, probably wait until the price drops.
Публикувана 21 май 2021.
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1.2 изиграни часа
where big lady
Публикувана 5 май 2021.
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6,710.5 изиграни часа (127.6 часа по време на рецензията)
I can't stop, somebody save me please
Публикувана 19 януари 2021.
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5.4 изиграни часа
Honestly, while this is a really great port of Sonic CD, Sonic CD itself is just not fun in the slightest. The time travel mechanic seems cool at first, but the only real purpose it serves is getting a different color Palette and a very slightly tweaked version of the level, or getting to the past so you can get a good future. And that involves avoiding future signs at all costs and finding the seemingly much scarcer past signs, finding a spot in the level where you can gain speed for a few seconds, staying at full speed and praying you don't ram face first into a wall or enemy and lose your past sign, backtracking through the past version of the level until you find the random spot where they put the machine you have to destroy, then hoping you didn't take too long so you can finish the level like that without getting a time over and dying. This especially becomes a problem with just how terribly the levels are designed. Like, you know when people talk about the first 3 Sonic games(and Knuckles) and there's always those one or two levels that just sucked? Yknow, Marble zone, Labyrinth zone, that one part of Chemical Plant zone, Flying Battery zone, etc.
Those levels are the entirety of Sonic CD. In this game where you're supposed to go fast, you will find: regular extended slow platforming segments, enemies that seemingly come out of nowhere while you're running(In Stardust Speedway's case litERALLY CLIPPING THROUGH THE FLOOR), springs that will launch you perfectly into a waiting enemy or set of spikes, randomly placed walls or springs that will halt you or send you flying backwards to stop your progress, bosses that are more like obstacle courses than an actual fight, etc. None of the levels feel like an actual Sonic level, even Marble zone had a few clear cut paths to go on so you had some idea what to do, while Sonic CD just feels like a bunch of Sonic assets tossed around in a totally random pattern until they had a path that could get to the goal post. Sometimes you'll struggle to get up to a high ledge, looking for the highest and therefore fastest path, only to find a dead end and maybe a power up. Every level is just a cluster♥♥♥♥ of random stuff that isn't designed to flow together with Sonic's physics at all. Some people may call this challenging, but it's not. Getting through these levels without going really slow and constantly losing your rings would take memorizing all the hazards and paths, then being completely frame perfect with jumping and spinning. It's not fun and doesn't depend on any actual skill or reflexes. Take Wacky Workbench, a level where the entire gimmick is that the floor is bouncy and if you touch it you go flying up to the ceiling and can't move forward until you climb down. The only way to move forward is to use the slow moving platforms that are floating around everywhere. This level literally had me crying and begging out loud to just let me go fast.
It really is a shame because this game did have so many good things. It introduced the Super Peel Out, Amy, Metal Sonic, the great soundtrack, and the AMAZING opening animation. But when you really get into it, the game just sucks. Its only value is the nostalgia for the cool things it introduced. If you really want to experience it I guess the price isn't that bad, but it's still frustrating. If all you want is a classic Sonic game on PC, just get Mania.
Публикувана 9 април 2019.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
91.8 изиграни часа (34.7 часа по време на рецензията)
VERY fun game for both multiplayer and singleplayer, all weapons, characters, and maps are completely free(Except for promotional characters from other games, but at least you aren't JUST paying for the character), and you get a shocking amount of cosmetics and crates to open completely for free just from the get go, and it's very easy to earn and craft more. Characters are all expressive in their lines, and they use a perfect mix of audio and animation to make gunplay and melee satisfying to use(Even the extra detail of animations showing you doing gun tricks or checking your ammo, or cleaning off and doing tricks with your melee if you press the reload key when you don't need to reload), which is multiplied by the mechanic of Zedtime.
(Note, while the Cons may seem like a longer list, it's just a lot easier to go on and on about negative stuff, the pros still outweight everything listed here imo.) While singleplayer can be fun, both in single and multiplayer the AI does sometimes seem very unfair in the way it groups. All too often I find myself being surrounded by all 5 of the Quarter Pounds and both of the Scrakes that spawned this wave in a complete circle, or I find the boss doing a charge attack and launching me into a corner just to pin me, making it impossible to move out of melee range or to bash/shoot them away before I get one hit killed by them.
The system for servers is also ridiculous. I find it dumb having to play the game on premade servers instead of being able to host privately like in source games. A system like this works quickly and easily in something like Payday 2, but here it often makes it too hard to play certain gamemodes when we can't find a server playing that map and mode, and even when we do find one sometimes, despite both of us having pretty decent speed internet, we get put on servers where we have 900+ ping and it becomes completely unplayable. You'll also sometimes have randos join even when you set your game to friends only, and since you aren't TECHNICALLY the host, you can only kick them by vote. There's also no way to change maps or gamemode from the lobby without either leaving to find a new server or killing your party and heading to map vote.
And as for a few ending nitpicks, the tutorial is very brief and doesn't teach you everything you'll need to know about the game, it's harder to make enough dosh for ammo refills and better weapons when you aren't in singleplayer, it takes a lot of grinding to level up at all, and the game doesn't scale text for smaller resolutions, so it becomes near impossible to read anything if you turn your resolution down to get a better framerate.

Also there are a lot of people leaving negative reviews just saying the game won't start, but they should reeaallyy check on the game's specs before they do that. If you have an Intel card, LOOK IN TO WHAT GENERATION IT IS BEFORE YOU BUY THIS. 2500/4000 will work if you update the drivers, but some of the maps will be completely unplayable no matter what. Buyer beware.
In total, I say 9/10
Публикувана 3 април 2018.
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