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Algerian Furries - Public Group
alhamdulillah ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ
In Chat
Céros 21 Mar @ 10:56am 
Wife material
Mäjo 31 Jan @ 5:48am 
Stinks like musty chickpeas for some reason?
Mäjo 31 Jan @ 5:15am 
There was a man in 1876 who attempted to invent a new kind of bread that was both waterproof and fire-resistant. He called it Iron Loaf and swore it would revolutionise the bread industry but it was so dense that the first test slice collapsed his dining table and shattered his neighbour's floor. His wife left him for a baker and he was later arrested for attempting to smuggle the bread into a local blacksmith's forge believing he could turn it into an indestructible snack. To this day nobody knows where the last remaining Iron Loaf rests but they say it was repurposed as a cornerstone of a bridge. Just needed somewhere to vent.
Céros 25 Jan @ 6:15am 
Mama mia Majo-san you found my gatto-kun Fefez, silly little hallal kawaii al-creature ! Back to Marrakesh you go !
Mäjo 21 Jan @ 11:12pm 
No collar, no ID, keeps calling me rude words in Berber, not very friendly - someone please get your cat!
Mäjo 16 Jan @ 11:13pm 
Il y a longtemps, quand je visitais l'Algérie pour les vacances, je voulais voir le grand bazar et ses marchands de couscous. Un homme algérien s’est approché de moi et m’a dit : « J’ai quelque chose d’encore mieux à te montrer. » Et il m’a montré du porno furry. Ce jour-là, j’ai été converti en furry, et chaque fois que je vois des furries sexy sur Internet, je pense à cet homme. Cet homme s’appelait Fefez.