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ave 17 Dec, 2021 @ 3:02am 
plu 11 Dec, 2021 @ 4:53pm 
Gwasses awe weawwy vewsatiwe. Fiwst, you can have gwasses-weawing giwws take them off and suddenwy become beautifuw, ow have giwws weawing gwasses fwashing those cute gwins, ow have giwws steawing the pwotagonyist's gwasses and putting them on wike, "Haha, got youw gwasses!' That's just way too cute! Awso, boys with gwasses! I weawwy wike when theiw gwasses have that suspicious wooking gweam, and it's amazing how it can wook weawwy coow ow just be a joke. I weawwy wike how it can fuwfiww aww those abstwact nyeeds. Being abwe to switch up the stywes and cowows of gwasses based on youw mood is a wot of fun too! It's actuawwy so much fun! You have those hawf wim gwasses, ow the thick fwame gwasses, evewything! It's wike you'we enjoying aww these kinds of gwasses at a buffet. I weawwy want Wunya to twy some on ow Mawinye to twy some on to wepwace hew eyepatch. We weawwy nyeed gwasses to become a thing in howowive and stawt sewwing them fow HowoComi.
Longo Bongo 21 Aug, 2019 @ 3:16am 
Noel best fighting game trashcan
maxwell 30 Oct, 2017 @ 9:13pm 
Happy Halloween :28_eye::28_brain::islandskull:
maxwell 16 Apr, 2017 @ 4:47am 
happy easter :yazdwink:
avery333 3 Dec, 2016 @ 12:49pm 
faz owo