
Fahmi4869 の最近のレビュー

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223件中 1-10 を表示
It's a fun little puzzle game referencing the Resident Evil 4's Tetris inventory system.
+ Good, easy & pretty fun puzzles
+ Cheap price
+ Using healing items, combining multiple items & reloading guns as parts of the puzzle is pretty clever
+ Easy to get 100% achievements
- Game is pretty short
- Game is kinda repetitive

My personal final score: 8/10
投稿日 7月27日.
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+ Not bad arts & animations
+ Not bad voice acting
+ Free base game & cheap DLC
+ Pretty good "plot"
- Game is too short

My personal score: 6.9/10
投稿日 7月12日.
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+ Character is more cute than the first game (glasses girls are the best)
+ Good CG arts & H animations
+ Cheap price
+ Easy puzzles
+ Better English translation than the first game
+ Better story than the first game
- Puzzles are a tiny bit confusing (random objects fall down from outside of the screen, weird objects with weird collision)
- Level select is kinda messy (I know it supposed to be the location of the girl for each levels, but still)
- Weird mouse cursor
- H scene controls are a bit weird

My personal score: 6.9 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
投稿日 7月4日.
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+ Simple & easy puzzles
+ Pretty good CG arts & H animations
+ Easy to get achievements
+ Cheap price
- English translation needs more improvement
- Game is too short
- Not a lot of CG arts

My personal score: 6.9/10 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
投稿日 7月4日.
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I like it deep inside her :^)
投稿日 6月29日.
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A combination of horror & fantasy (Japanese folklore), with the story based on a historical moment (Tokyo Subway Sarin Terrorist Attack, 1995).
[+] Great story with a plot twist at the very end.
[+] Pretty easy & balanced gameplay & puzzles.
[+] A balanced combination between horror & fantasy elements (Japanese folklore).
[+] Pretty artstyle.
[+] Cats.
[-] I play this game for the horror element, but I feel like the horror in this game is just a filler.

My personal score: 9/10
* I always love RPG Maker Horror games made by indie developers, and this one interests me as well.
投稿日 5月12日.
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This is the first time I played the Tales series.

(+) Story is pretty good but some parts are a bit cliche.
(+) Pretty interesting characters (The story of the characters are better than the game itself imo) (It's kinda disappointing that Alisha only joins the party for a pretty short time).
(+) Soundtracks are really good (Rising Up Tales and Katz Village are my favorite).

(-) Some of the voice actors are pretty bad & bland (English) but Sorey & Rose's voice are the best. For the Japanese voice, they're all good.
(-) Audio quality on the 2D cutscenes are bad for some reason.
(-) Combat isn't the best, but I'm glad there's an Auto mode.
(-) Weapons, skills & equipments are out of the place.

My final score: 7.5/10
P.S.: For a fun & innocent looking game, I'm surprised there's a lot of dead children in this game. 👀
投稿日 4月27日.
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[+] Fun character to play
[+] Vergil's song theme is a banger
[+] Super fun final battle between brothers
[+] You'll get motivated
[-] Somehow Vergil's attacks are kinda slow (too much unnecessary moves)
[-] Missions are the same as the main story, just like in other DMC games (at least this one feels better)

I wish the ending credits battle is as long as the music plays, 'cuz that was very fun
投稿日 3月30日.
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A short but fun prologue of the Paper Lily series.
[+] Free to play.
[+] Fun gameplay & the horror atmosphere is pretty spooky.
[+] Cute artstyle.
[+] Good stories for a short prologue.
[+] Some optional actions you can do (I haven't try them all).

My score: 10/10
Would pay for chapter 2
投稿日 2月23日.
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The game is really good and pretty atmospheric.
[+] Free to play.
[+] Fun gameplay & the horror atmosphere is pretty good.
[+] Beautiful & cute artstyle.
[+] Really good stories (a bit depressing as well).
[+] A bit challenging but fun puzzles.
[+] Great BGM, and smooth transitions between each BGM.
[+] Lots of optional actions you can do (I think I missed a lot).
[-] Some combat/dodging mechanics feels a bit hard & challenging, but thank god there's a skip button so it shouldn't be a big problem.

My final score: 10/10
Would pay for chapter 2
投稿日 2月21日.
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223件中 1-10 を表示