Ryan   Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
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Down the deep dark rabbit hole
Lies a heart, mind and soul
Been there for year
This is not your Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole
My dear
No no no
This hole has only one way in and no way out
It's dark like embers
No spark no light
It traps the souls of the night
It's dark and dreary in the light
It's never ending path is nearing destruction for you
Yes you
It has no bright purple cat
Only one dark lonely bat
It has souls with beating that beat like drum
A deafening one
Take one heart and times it by one thousand fifty one
And you will know what it's like
To hear them strike
This rabbit hole is filled with souls and ghouls
Demons and the like
It pulls you down
It suffocates you
Once your in it's hard to reach you
Down the deep dark rabbit hole lies a heart mind and a soul
Been there for a year
You try to reach them
People try to reach you
But you are stuck in between
They are gone down that hole of misery
The longer they are there
The more they rot
The more they fear
the more you turn into a monster My dear
Down that deep dark rabbit hole lies a heart mind and soul been there a year
With no way out.