Euclipse   Indonesia
Euclipse here!
my steam profile -->
kindly add me if you wanna play games with me!
and... have a nice day!!!

Live as free as possible~

Well... Here's my story
Aloha, I'm back online ^_^

Well, I have been off from steam for a while for some reason and I can't be a full time gamer anymore

Yeah... real life stuff

Play hard everybody!!!! But don't forget that you have a real life, you're not a RPG character!

Spend your time more on upgrading your real life status rather than LEVELING!!! please don't sacrifice your sweet resting time (lol)

play hard, study hard, work hard, and sleep less :3 [please ignore the last two words before ':3' xD] :sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug::sfsmug:

~ Euclipse / ユクリス -トトロ_ラッシュ ~