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Ergebnisse 21–30 von 64
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0.9 Std. insgesamt
I wanted to like this game, as I have been supportive of it since the early stages of the game, believe it or not, this release feels less fun to play and less polished than it was a year or so ago. I normally never write reviews like this with little to no gameplay, but I had an unpleasant experience with a game I would think had potential for far more considering how much fun I had with the very first versions of it.
First to speak about what I found good, the game looks neat and has a nice aesthetic to it, I like the combination between chinese backgrounds/ambience and sci-fi influences. I am not fluent in the og language, however, the voice acting and sound effects are great.
The ideas look great on pen and paper, you have guns, different ammo/shooting types, awesome katana action, deflects and counters, headshots and violent dismemberment, all recipes for fun in this kind of game.

But unfortunately, controls are janky and feel unresponsive, the game struggles a lot with an identity crisis trying to understand if it wants to be a hybrid of FPS combat like Shadow Warrior or a simple fps shooter like Far Cry and none of it feels polished. Shooting is sub-par at best, and melee combat feels very unresponsive thanks to lack of polish and execution, prompts half times didn't work for me and even simple actions as picking up ammo felt taxing. Stealth sections in this kind of game? Cutting the pace off only for me. So you go in guns and action blazing to showoff what should be the best feature of your game and right in the second level you cut that adrenaline off with an attempt at making the gameplay loop feel less jarring, too early and executed very poorly as the section felt like a drag and outdated, making me quit a few minutes into it not by difficulty but by feeling so out of place.

I'll give it a shot sometime again, but right now, I wouldn't really recommend it. There's far better games out there in the same style.
Verfasst am 12. November 2021.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
5.7 Std. insgesamt (2.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Surprisingly good 2D sidescroller with tight controls, sexy views and an incredibly awesome OST (seriously, it's amazing).
We reached a point in life where eroge castlevania games are better than most games out there.
Verfasst am 14. Oktober 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14. Oktober 2021.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
35.9 Std. insgesamt
Surprisingly good action/hack n' slash oriented anime game with some JRPG elements.

Reminded me a lot of a mixture between Code Geass (Anime) and Astral Chain. And that's not a bad thing, they got content to push for other games and to keep going with the project.
Story can get quite confusing at points and it is plagued with a few plot holes, but that doesn't make it less interesting or less good, in fact, it's surprisingly better than I thought it would be at first when I picked this game.

The characters are all interesting save for 2 or 3 (Looking at Nagi or Kyoka for example) that just could use less stereotypes and more work. But overall everyone feels like they have a part/reason to play/interact with the world so there's not much to dislike in that department.

The gameplay reminds me a lot of Astral Chain and DMC, kinda like a mixture of both. And it also throws in a few JRPG elements like party/equipment management, few fashion selections, abilities and status management, level ups etc.

The soundtrack is definitely one of the highest points of this game, it has some insanely good tracks.
As for the performance, for me it is top notch, didn't encounter any glitch and the game looks pretty, as great as your conventional anime.

To summarize, I'd say it's one of the best surprises of 2021 and a title that certainly deserves a bit more attention and praise.
Verfasst am 14. Juli 2021.
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13.7 Std. insgesamt (13.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The older it gets, the more relevant as well, still so ahead of it's time and more complex than 90% of the FPS games nowadays. Actually after playing the Demo of the remake, it feels more dull than this did.
Verfasst am 15. März 2021.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
27.9 Std. insgesamt (17.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Duke Nukem never played, sounded and looked as good as this. The definitive Build Engine game, a masterpiece!
Verfasst am 2. März 2021.
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16.1 Std. insgesamt (3.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I always knew the MEAT was my calling...

Nothing feels better than when you beat the meat...
Verfasst am 13. Februar 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 17. Februar 2021.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 11. März 2022 um 11:51 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
25 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
30.2 Std. insgesamt
The more I played this game the more I missed the original Deus Ex and GTA IV, those games still manage to have way more depth than this. It feels like I'm playing Borderlands with half assed excuses of depth.

I'm not even gonna talk much about how badly optimized and how buggy of a mess it is, I managed to play it because I have a decent PC, but I feel sorry for all those that had it pre-ordered and couldn't, it's almost like tricking your consumers actually, and I'm not surprised they face law issues because quite frankly they deserve it.
Even though glitches and bugs can be funny, they completely destroyed the immersion for me in this game. Kinda hard to get immersed when every 40 seconds you're reminded it's a videogame, I don't think this was their idea of immersion to begin with.

This game feels like a painting without a meaning, it's too bare bones and it is nothing that CD Projekt Red hyped it to be.
Where's my RPG with a lot of depth? Where's my role-playing options? Not even a barber? Meaningful choices?
Why bother adding options like having a penis or being trans if it offers absolutely nothing new to the gameplay? Only to look cool on paper? Really lame... And this is coming from someone inside that community... Not even gonna talk about the fact that it offers absolutely nothing because you can't even see your genitals in game... So why let me edit them?

If they were gonna make an FPS, then at least get the shooting right, cause besides 1-2 guns in the game, it feels rusty as ♥♥♥♥. The original Doom FPS gameplay shames this game literally, and it came out over 20 years ago.

I think they had something nice here but ultimately failed to deliver because of production problems, it feels like it was rushed and had no communication between devs and publishers...
This game represents everything that is wrong with the gaming industry nowadays, and I hope they learn from it.

Sorry, but I can't recommend a game that isn't even finished after 8 years of development and had rivers of cash and hype invested into it, and I was hoping that CD Projekt Red wouldn't disappoint me considering their excellent Witcher series... Only solution now is to let the modding community fix it for them, then I'm pretty sure people will make the game it was supposed to be to begin with.

EDIT 07/11/2023
Finished the game for the first time after this review on release, and I can say, even though most of it's problems have been somewhat fixed, it's still one of the most BORING and barebones RPG/FPS hybrids I've ever played. I don't get why people are riding it so much, at all, bland characters, story riddled with plotholes, subpar shooting/driving, barely any RPG options. And no thank you, it's not the Anime that is gonna make me change my mind about the game.
Verfasst am 11. Januar 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 15. Mai 2024.
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7 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
121.2 Std. insgesamt (53.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Dragon Quest: Baka Mitai Edition.

As much as I love the classic Yakuza games, I have to say this is probably the best game in the franchise.
I'm biased since I like turn based combat a lot, and old school JRPG goodness... But I think that the setting and the world of Yakuza fits so well with it, that it leads me to understand that the developers did an amazing job combining the two worlds.

Game is polished, immense, immersive and well worth in hours and replayability according to the price asked for, something that is kinda hard to get with most AAA games nowadays.

Oh, and to be honest, this has to be Game of The Year btw, I can't really think of any other game that had me this hooked and engaged this year.
Verfasst am 1. Dezember 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. Dezember 2020.
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7 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
159.8 Std. insgesamt
Having played all editions since like 2005, I can say that I finally reached a point where I had enough with this game. It's decent as all the games from the series are, it's undeniable that for all of us football fans there's always a smile to be attained every year when we take our team to the glory and that alone keeps making us play it with a smile everyday. But I think it's time for me to just say, I had enough with buying it for full price and it being exactly the same thing, over, and over, and over again, and guess what, the problems that it always had are still there and I don't think SE will ever fix them.

The game's randomness is it's main problem, it's inconsistent as hell as it's always been and it can become frustrating to a point where you just don't feel like wasting time on it anymore. A good example of this randomness is with injuries, god awful, it doesn't happen in a football team for in less than a month 10 players or more of your team getting injured even when you made sure you have the best physios and conditions in the club. It also doesn't happen your striker with amazing attributes failing 10-20 goals per match, it also seldomly happens that your same striker fails to pass the ball to a colleague that is alone 10 cms on the side and can easily score. Also, players are human beings, and as any conscious human being, you cannot expect a poor team to reinforce your squad with millions when they are not available, but in this game, every single player will create drama for every little thing, and it becomes TERRIBLY annoying at some point. We know now that we live in an era where football players cost a lot of money, but man, after 5-6 seasons, even the lowest of players cost over 5-10 millions and it just becomes impossible for you to deal in any sorts with other teams. Also I doubt that any big team would be able to spend over 600 million every year like I see in this game happening... Another propper example of failure in this game is what happened to me this season, I won a game 4-0 on my first go and I was playing with a team that was inferior to it's adversaries, but not by much, and my PC crashed after. Reloaded the game, and for my surprise I couldn't win that game afterwards anymore for some reason, even though I changed absolutely nothing, now, I normally don't replay games (if I lose I lose, just like in real life, there's always a chance of that happening since everyone has a bad day) but I replayed this game about 10 times and I never won it again. So if that isn't randomness, than what is it? Football doesn't work like that my dudes, of course there's always a chance for any team as long as it's 22 men on the pitch fighting it out, but it puzzles me on how stupid it can be sometimes. I think this algorythm that the game uses, is in no way perfect, but damn, it should've been perfected in 20 years no? It's the least you could do for people that keep cashing in every year.

These same mistakes, of course, arguably, are what set this in being a game and not real life, but when you play a game like this for being a simulation, it should be as accurate to the real thing as it can get, and it puzzles me that in 20 years these dudes have not improved one single bit.
Now you can come and argue with the "UI has changed, better scouting etc." sure thing, but is it really any way superior year after year? Not really, it is just a different shade of paint on the same painting every year.

Cannot in any way recommend this game to anyone, even though I have fun with it as I do every year, and as probably I will keep playing it every year, guilty pleasure I guess or the love of football, or maybe both. But it's getting harder and harder to recommend this to anyone, when it's not a football simulator anymore, it's a randomness simulator with football elements.
Verfasst am 2. April 2020.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
13.4 Std. insgesamt
It's like someone made a walking simulator with good graphics and forgot how to code a game. One of the most unpolished and crap products I've played in my entire life. I've played open access beta games with more polish than this, and I've played a lot of games before. Avoid
Verfasst am 2. April 2020.
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Ergebnisse 21–30 von 64