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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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218.2 h en tout (141.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game made me hate the Chinese more than the Japanese in WW2 a real 10/good experience. Everyone in NA servers has 200+ ping and I am in pain, send help please.
Évaluation publiée le 25 février 2023.
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1.9 h en tout
Hilariously bad.

Lets take a trip through my first game shall we? The main menu is where we start, I always look at options before I play, I fiddle around that bare bones options menu and find 'raw mouse input' great, so by default there's mouse acceleration by default, good thing that I turned that off. Click servers and find a game where I load into a fresh game and the map is totally not de_dust2 please believe and start pistol round, enemies walk and aim like they're bots, what a great start a 10/good I might say, there's no red flags here and yes I am being so sarcastic that I am dripping in it, go ahead and put a dish under me so that sarcasm can be contained and you can use it one day, you're welcome my child. I dome the 2 nerds on the other team and win the round.

The next round starts where I wanted a sub machine gun, a decent gun to push advances in CS:GO to further your money lead which by the way this game has the same money system and Counter Strike. Naturally 'B' is the default key to buy items, so I click B and open the buy menu and select 'sub machine guns', nothing happens. "Stellar" I shout and start mashing the number keys wondering if I can get something at least to no avail, the buy menu doesn't even work. Something so simple and so rudimentary as a menu to select a gun doesn't work in this game. Well that's just absolutely peachy ain't it? I finished the game only using the default glock and scavenging weapons off of dead players to test how guns feel because the game doesn't work oh boy but let me tell you it was all worth it because at the end of the match I got a weapon case. AW YEAH I'M RICH BOYS people will line up to get my 3 penny case on the steam market place LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Avoid this failed abortion that dares to call itself a game, just don't give the devs any money, there are skins in the game, but they're so bad and pixelated that I can only assume this game was made by a 12 year old with the paint program and a lot of free time but not enough for them to turn out half way decent. The best way to describe this game is to mention those super generic games that characters will play in the background of media, thats what this is.

1/10, a solid Bruh moment
Évaluation publiée le 28 janvier 2023.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
26.4 h en tout
I have completed the main story and I have some stuff to say about this title.

For those who don't care about my thoughts and just want a TL;DR I will give this game a 4/10, a solid disappointment, playable, but not something I want to ever replay nor is it worth the 50 dollar asking price.

I played this game (God of War 2018) and was left severely disappointed in what was presented. The best way to describe this experience is that this is a game that should have been in its own universe, its own thing but was forced to use the GoW IP and any potential it had was squandered. I recently went back to play the original God of War on the PS2 and everything from the music, the presentation, voice acting, world environments and especially the combat is just superior. In the 2018 iteration there is no... spectical, nothing cool, nothing special, nothing interesting.

In the first game Kratos searches out pandoras box to get the power for a mortal to kill a god, gets impaled by Ares throwing a large stone pillar across the entirety of the city of Athens and through the desert of lost souls pinning Kratos to a wall, killing him. He climbs his way out of hell, gets the box back, opens it and fights the greek god of war, killing him for a chance to redeem him for what Ares had tricked im into doing, which was slaughtering innocent people and his wife and child to become the perfect warrior to overthrow the other gods. Through his journey he gets powers from Zeus, Poseidon as well as using a head of Medusa to turn enemies to stone. We've got fast, frantic combat with combos that are super satisfying to string together with executions that reward you for being hyper aggressive, the kills are super gorey, fast, satisfying and very bloody which fits into the whole... ya know god of war thing.

Fast forward to 2018 and the entire story is boiled down to: go to the top of the highest peak to scatter ashes of Kratos's new dead wife who dies off screen... While yes, it fits the theme and character of this game its just lame. There are only 2 characters you will meet through out the entire game; Brok and Mimir that carry this game, their presence are what make this game playable. Broks sarcasm and quips are great while Mimirs explanation of history provides a good insight of Norse mythology. Kratos no longer has any energy that he used to have in the previous games and he just seems bored, his son, Atreus is painful to listen to. I get it, I really do, he is a kid and they're supposed to ask questions and be annoying, but it wears you down fast. The combat is what really struck me as the worst part of this game, Kratos can no longer jump in combat, this cuts down what you are able to string together and makes things a very sloppy and boring experience. The first half of this game you are stuck with the frost axe, a very unenjoyable weapon that you are stuck with until you get Kratos's blades of chaos back and then the game opens up with interesting opportunities. The blood and gore has been almost completely removed, instead of it being a super common occurrence, things are very stale and sterile. The only brutal execution in the game is against the furrie- I mean werewolf type enemies where Kratos breaks their jaw and continues to rip their jaw down with any skin attached which is VERY sad to see especially from what the series had 2 console generations ago. The music and environments are completely forgettable, I just completed the game and the only thing that stuck to my memories was Tyr's vault. That's it, its a completely forgetable experience with nothing standing out other than how many time Kratos says "boy". The gameplay has a lot of RPG elements which honestly doesnt fit in a god of war setting. So you be saying that Kratos literally killed gods while having his bare chest exposed because he is just that ballin and now I get two tapped by an enemy just because they have a number 7 above their head and my arm wraps didn't have enough armor value? Upgrading weapons feel just as uninteresting with minerals you fit in your weapons which depending on what is slotted, gives you a stat bonus and will give you a small buff during combat, that doesn't change anything other than sometimes you can get a damage or defense buff. The worst offender in this game is the camera, the old PS2 titles were a top down hack and slash so if you got hit, it was your fault, but now its an over the shoulder camera which is good for cover based shooters, not a hack and slash. Executions which are a staple in the series provide absolutely nothing besides a little bit of rage build up and nothing more. I did not enjoy myself and I do not recommend this game, while it wasn't the worst i've played, it is far from being the best.
Évaluation publiée le 18 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 18 novembre 2022.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1,134.4 h en tout (21.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Update 12/15/2022
A big season update hit, maybe it fixed things, I'll have a go at it again, they have to had fixed it right? Right? Of course not, I have done everything I can possibly think of, delete the game, redownload it, run as administrator, go into my BIOS and turn off XMP, run in safemode, scan and repair and nothing works, every time i scan this game it always says I am missing 28 files and will be "reacquired". I was actually enjoying 3rd person mode and I do want to play since there's nothing on the market that scratches the multiplayer itch quite like CoD does, I have seen that this is a problem that other people are having so I am not alone, I guess the only thing I can do is just wait for Infinity Ward to finish making this game, this beta is in a sad state...
Embarrassing is the best word to describe 2022 MW2. The rest of this review is what I published on launch day.

First and foremost the game is a technical mess, constant crashing and frame drops is a very common occurance.

Single player campaign
Trash, just straight up trash, this is a stain upon the modnern warfare name. Everything that you loved about the 2009 MW2s campaign is gone and what is left has been replaced with soul-less boring drivel. I have seen the mission objective break multiple times so the only thing I can do is either wait and hope the engine corrects is self (dont hold your breath for that to happen) or to restart at a checkpoint. Do you remember in 2007 Modern Warfare's mission "All ghillied up"? Remember where you have to crawl through the grass as enemies walk past you unaware of your presence? They brought that back multiple times and guess what, the enemes that walk by you can have this funny feature where they dont walk past you and instead just stare at you. Unmoving. Still. No animations, just looking at the patch of tall grass you reside in, which you will either need to jump up and try to kill all the enemies or just restart from checkpoint. I have seen enemies walk through walls, shoot through barricades and throw grenades that will no clip through the roofs of buildings. But Dyl, I can hear you think, how is the characters? Well you remember Commander Shepard? Yeah hes completely dull and uninteresting, you dont fight him at all, he isnt on the field like he was in 2009 grabbing Allen and throwing him into the fight screaming "RANGERS LEAD THE WAY", he is just a generic, dull NPC that monologues at you and midway through the story he just betrays you for no reason. Who wrote this?

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this is why we cant have nice things. Infinity Ward took what was improved upon in 2019 MW and threw it out the window.

Perks? Wack. Now instead of the normal 3 perk you have a perk package where you have 2 perks that are on all the time like normal but the last 2 perks will unlock as you play in the match. Does that sound stupid? Of course it does, did the enemy get a UAV early in the game well thats OK because you have ghost on- oh wait since the game just started it isnt active and you show on enemies radars. Even the act of changing the perks is a chore because there is no drop down menu to change individual perks, want to change lets say scavenger to EOD? well you will need to select the class you want, go into perk package and change it from there and congratulations, now any custom class you had using that package no longer has scavenger. This is a completely unneeded change.

Weapon progression? Wack. Lets take a fan favorite weapon, the MP5, what level do you unlock the MP5 at? You dont, you have to unlock it through one of the stupidest systems I have ever seen. Aight so follow me on this one, to get the MP5 you first need to get to level 16 to unlock the Lachmann-762 (the G3) and use it until the gun is level 13, this will unlock the Lachmann-556, using this, you need to get that gun to level 12 and now you have the Lachmann sub (the MP5). Do you want to use the M16? Oh boy the M4 is a starting weapon, so just use that until you get it to level 18 where you unlock the 556 Icarus which is an LMG and plays completely different, get that LMG to level 13 and then you can play with the M16. Why? Who thought that unlocking weapons was just too streamlined and easy that they needed to screw it all up? Why? This is completely unnecessary.

Weapon attachments? Wack. Pst, hey you, yeah you. Want to use a specific attachment and a max level M4? Well get bent lmao, because specific attachments are tied to specific weapons. An example: lets take the Vel 46 (the MP7) and lets say you want to throw a Cronen Mini Pro red dot sight on there, thats a pretty good sight. Well you cant use it on anything until you get the expedite 12 (M4 shotgun) to level 7. And this is the way you unlock weapon attachments, why? Hell if I know, but this is mind numbingly tedious to do.

Menus? Wack. This game was designed to look like a cheap mobile game and its just sad it in a AAA development game, come on, you can do better than this.

Maps? Not exactly very good, the majority of them are just ok where as there are 2 specific maps I straight out refuse to play and those are the border crossing map and Taraq, those 2 dumpster fires need to be deleted and never spoken of ever again.

Edit: I forgot to mention Spec Ops. Uh... well theres only 3 of them so... they're ok, but they're a play once, get 3 stars and forget they exist type deal.

TL;DR do I recommend this game? No, but seeing as im past the 2 hours for a refund, I might as well get what I paid for and play it. I aint gonna enjoy it that much, but theres nothing I can do about it. This game simply isnt finished, i can only hope that its a better game eventually. This game certainly is not worth 70 to 100 bucks.

Update: 11/26/2022
I upgraded my PC to better smoothly run this game, now it doesn't even launch and forces my PC to restart every time I run this without an error messages, no other game does this to me. This is sad.

Évaluation publiée le 28 octobre 2022. Dernière modification le 15 décembre 2022.
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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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55.7 h en tout
This game has the ability to be good, but it refuses to be.

This is where the game could shine the brightest but is held back by terrible mechanics. Every day you get 10 revive tokens, if you die and not revived within 10 seconds you either have to wait until your team mates get to a checkpoint where you respawn or you can use a token, this brings me to the problem, the community. Oh god this community. I have never in my life seen a worse community in a video game in my life and that is not a statement I am saying because they are bad, they are unbelievably god awful. Its like the tutorials dont exist. I am surprised that this player base is capable of putting on their own pants levels of trash. No one knows how to play the most basic classes and teamworks is vital in harder content, I havent done any operations even though I want to but with the pay to win aspect, I will not bully my friends into downloading this. Be prepared to burn though your revive tokens on hard difficulty or be forced to pay up for more revives. Something of note is when playing any class you will notice that damage models will make no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sense. Sometimes a headshot will instantly kill, sometimes it does jack-all damage, other times it wont even do damage, its super inconsistent, try and snipe with a revolver and you'll know what I mean.

This could have been a decent game but the pay to win weapons are suffocating levels of unbalanced. Why would I use an unlockable gun when just paying for a gun in the store will get you better weapons with more damage, lower recoil, faster fire rate, more range and ammo capacity? Medic is a "please kill me" class with the worst weapons in the game, shotguns. Shotguns have no range and no damage, why use them when you will be dumpstered by every other class? I have not found a good gun to use for the medics. Engineers have decent survive-ability with the armor kit and if you are able to get your hands on the UMP custom, then you can do some work with it, rifleman is underwhelming only being able to resupply ammo to yourself and others. I guess the M16A3 was decent, but was never something I could call a crutch weapon. The last class is the problem, sniper. There is basically no reason to play anything other than sniper if you have somewhat decent aim, sniper rifles will either kill in 2 hits to anywhere if its a semi auto or a one hit kill to anywhere if its a bolt action. All this community does is sit in a corner and just spam some pot shots to those who are running around and actually playing the game. The M40A3 is an easily obtainable rifle and is stupid levels of broken, it is a crutch with being a one shot kill rifle at any range and having a 20 round mag for some reason. The last class is SED but no one plays sed for a reason, they cant do anything for team mates and their primary weapon is so inaccurate that its not even worth acknowledging they exist, they are purely a noob trap class.

Im not stupid, I know the things broken in this game will not be fixed because it generates too much money for anyone to step away from it. Dont spend any money on this, if you are 100 percent dead set on playing, go ahead and play to your hearts content, but know that once you get to level 20, you will be thrust against max level players, so have fun with that.
Évaluation publiée le 29 janvier 2022.
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Un développeur ou une développeuse a répondu le 2 févr. 2022 à 3h06 (voir la réponse)
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9.5 h en tout (1.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Update: 1/2/2023

On a whim I decided to look at old games I haven't really played from my steam library and reinstalled this game. That was a mistake because this game is hilariously bad. There is one server, and if you get terrible ping in western Europe servers, well you can get bent because you have no other option.

This game has no idea what it is doing, it has some of the worst hit registration/ hit boxes I have ever seen on a steam game and I've played a lot of garbage games. Sometimes entire magazines wont register, other times a shot in the foot will instantly kill with a headshot, its a complete coin flip if you win gun fights or you could just head glitch and not have a head hitbox entirely, you could be that guy in the lobby. To put into perspective on how bad this game is, its most popular 2 maps do not even have textures. Do not give any money to this trash fire and move along.
Évaluation publiée le 18 décembre 2021. Dernière modification le 2 janvier 2023.
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17 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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28.2 h en tout
The only upside to this trash fire is that its free. This game has some of the worst servers I have ever seen, so many of my rounds just phase into another reality where enemies will kill me in a single frame, its almost like im playing BF4 on launch but its not hard crashing my PC and I'm not enjoying myself playing a good game mode like rush.

Alot of people will try to compare this to Black Ops 2, it is NOTHING like BO2. This is one of those generic korean rip off games, there are quite a decent amount of guns, but the prices for weapons are steep. The matchmaking is a joke, constantly I was placed on teams with lower level newbies and the enemy team was high level pro wanna-bes sperg lords. Every single game was more one sided than the holocaust with constant blow outs.

Movement is blocky, awkward getting caught on the many angles of the maps that you will get stuck on. Perks are a joke with the vast majority of them doing nothing, dont work or are obvious picks. "Balance" does nothing but reduce ADS sway, it does not reduce recoil. "Magazine pouch" has a picture of a magazine with a plus on it, but does not give any additional ammo.

This game lacks basic features like reporting for hackers, do not waste your time and certainly do not waste any money on this blatant freemium garbage, find something else.
Évaluation publiée le 10 octobre 2021.
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2.2 h en tout (0.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Do not question the save stick.
Évaluation publiée le 4 février 2020.
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1.1 h en tout (0.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
I feel like I should report this game for sexual harassment due to it giving me this raging hard-on.

Hey, hey you. Yeah you. Does diving through a window with 2 AA-12s, completely painting everyone stupid enough to get in your way across the walls and floors sound like a good time? If you answered yes, this is a hell of a good time and at this time, the game is on sale and I would recommend picking this up. If you answered no, then you are hella boring and want nothing to do with you...

This game has a solid foundation and has workshop capability, fantastic. It is an early access game, so there are bugs and glitches, be aware it is not perfect, but regardless it is a hell of a good time.
Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2019.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
14.2 h en tout (13.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
"The chaos is crawling to me"
I can not overstate how much of an amazing game this is. I am rarely blown away by games, but this one floored me.

The visuals are top notch.
The map design is amazing.
The music gives me a boner (seriously "Burn in hell" is the greatest thing i have ever heard from a video game even trumping BFG division).
The game play is marvelous.
The atmosphere is stunning.

There is only one thing that i hated and that is that it ended. My god that ending is phenomenal and I wish there was more.
Évaluation publiée le 11 mai 2019.
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