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Đăng ngày: 16 Thg06, 2021 @ 4:15am
Đã cập nhật ngày: 18 Thg06, 2021 @ 5:34am

After many years of constant community feedback, this game has only gotten worse. Balance wise, it has gotten better, but that balance took way longer to come to fruition than is necessary with a big team like BHVR. Fun wise, definitely worse. Make no mistake, this company is slacking and does not put very much effort into this game.

And they don't have to, there's no competition. So instead they ignore a lot of very valid common arguments and focus on pushing out overpriced DLC lacking in content and filling the store with auric cell cosmetics. My impression of this company is that they are greedy as hell.

The content they put out when they make DLC or push updates is laughably little. It's just not realistic that a company this big shouldn't be able to put more effort and do more changes when they push updates. I understand as it is an assymetrical multiplayer game it is hard to balance, but that's no excuse because there are so many other things they can focus on such as bugs and performance issues, but they simply do not unless the bug is gamebreaking. For how long has the audio been broken? Why does the game constantly run at a subpar FPS on good hardware? I could go on.

The devs also add things nobody asked for, such as breakable walls, and the new UI. Not to mention the main menu and scoreboard screens feel laggy and sluggish when you navigate, often freezing for 200-800 milliseconds, not at all how a game UI should perform.

I have a lot of complaints about the gameplay itself, so here goes:

- They nerfed Decisive Strike after many years of complaints, and the first nerf wasn't even good enough, now after even more complaining they've finally nerfed it properly. It should not have taken this long, they should have addressed it much sooner.

- NOED, though arguably balanced simply is too strong in most solo queue matches because you cannot rely on your teammates to cleanse totems. The fact that you get punished for your teammates incompetence is simply not fun. Arguing that "but SWF!" is also not a valid argument, more on that later.

- Spirit. I don't think I need to say much about this killer. I also have issues with Nurse, but at least Nurse takes some decent amount of skill in order to steamroll with. I am not fond of either killer because there is very little counterplay, but Spirit is literally just "use headphones to win". The Spirit is one of many killers that showcase how the devs really don't properly plan ahead when designing killers.

- Map design. A lot of great players and vets in this game will tell you that often the map decides if you win or not. This is very true to some extent (obviously your skill also plays a factor). Certain maps will leave you chasing until all 5 gens are done if you're chasing a good survivor, and other maps you can down them pretty easily as there are unfair deadzones that survivors cannot avoid. This has gotten better, but it is still a substantial problem.

- Useless perks & grind. There are so many arguably completely useless perks in this game, and to get the perks you actually want, you often have to grind for way longer than you'd have to in other games. Because they are forced to add 6 perks per chapter (3 for killer and survivor) means they will quickly run out of ideas and pollute the bloodweb with perks that nobody wants. The meta doesn't change much as a result, and people who are starting the game are at a significant disadvantage because they have to grind for so long to get the perks everyone else use.

- Hook mechanic. This mechanic has always bothered me, because it just doesn't seem well designed for a multiplayer game. Not only can survivors screw you over without you having any control over it, certain killers can ensure your death no matter what you do or survivors do by camping with certain perks and/or killer powers. It's hard to balance a mechanic like this, but I feel like it could be a lot better than it is today. At least come up with some way to make it less unfair for the hooked person.

- Gens. My god, this is why survivor sucks to play a lot of the time if you're not being chased. They put 0 effort into making the objective fun and engaging. You find a gen, you hold M1 for 80 seconds, you find the next one, rinse and repeat. Despite people asking for it, they have never addressed anything about making gens more fun and engaging. There are so many things they could do, like making you look for parts, or give you something more engaging than a skillcheck.

- RNG. There is so much RNG in this game, and it can often be a deciding factor if you die or not. RNG itself isn't a bad thing, but in this game it is used to such an extent that I believe it is very detrimental and unfair. Map spawns is one example where gens can spawn bunched up, meaning the killer can easily camp 3 of them and dragging the game out forever, eventually winning because depending on how close the gens are it's impossible to get any work on them.

Another is the jigsaw boxes for the Pig, where if you just happen to be unlucky and the key is in the last box, you are more often than not likely to die before getting there. Or you might get it on the first try, which is unfair to the killer.

And then there's exit gates. Why, why in the world should exit gates spawn next to each other? The whole point of there being two exit gates is so that killers can't camp them. There should be fixed exit gate spawns on the map. You can easily have two different spawns so there's still some RNG and the survivors have to do a bit of work to find them, but there is no reasonable argument as to why exit gates should spawn in close proximity, effectively negating the point of having two in the first place.

- Survive with friends. Arguably the most polarizing thing in DBD. The problem with SWF is that the game is balanced towards survivors having no way to communicate. As such, SWF completely breaks the balance of the game. But there is a very easy way to fix this: Give solo queue survivors more information, and buff killers as a result. It is such an easy way to alleviate the problem, there are for sure issues with it and it isn't perfect, but it's better than doing nothing which is what they have been doing.

I could keep going, these are only a few of my complaints with the gameplay, but let's move on.

And then there's the community. Of course, it's not nearly as toxic as other communities but I feel the devs have a lot of work unifying the community because it is currently split into two. This is because there is very little incentive to play both sides, so many players end up "maining" one side and thus not understanding the struggles of the other. Survivors OP this, killers OP that.

This makes it so simply by playing the game as intended, the other side will vilify you for doing your job as killer or escaping as survivor. Using perks, items, or addons will make people dislike you and flame you in the end game, which I don't think is justified.

The game is unique and have a lot of potential to be good. But all of these issues make the experience more often than not frustrating and I often find that other games offer me a lot more substance and entertainment. So, I uninstalled the game a while ago and I don't intend to come back unless these issues are fixed, which I don't really expect they will be given how they have not addressed 95% of the issues in the 1.5k hours that I've been playing.

I cannot in good faith recommend this game to anyone because of this. By all means, the game can be very fun in the beginning and if you don't care about any of the things mentioned above it might be fine. But to me and many others, these issues end up being a dealbreaker.
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41 bình luận
wunnathehater 24 Thg07, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
noed= arguable balanced

woah there buddy moving a little bit too fast
EntityofDesire 14 Thg07, 2021 @ 3:37pm 
I dunno maybe they should just introduce a new game mode instead?
EntityofDesire 14 Thg07, 2021 @ 3:36pm 
@galactic depression, well one reason I commented "different game" was because a lot of the ideas you had (which again ARE good) would actually make the game more difficult - for example changing how gens work. On one hand the idea of "finding pieces" sounds cool and makes the overall map more interactive - but the problem with that is the same thing with adding any kind of deeper mechanic to "skill check" in that GOOD killers are usually all over gens which means your mostly paying attention to whats coming AT you and if ur paying attention to minigames than the killer is gonna one most players unless the killer's are nerfed in some way overall too. Maybe more hooks?
galactic depression 14 Thg07, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
@WolvesCreek I also want to debunk this idea that I'm simply "tired of the game". No, I quite enjoy the game when the game's worst flaws aren't as pronounced in a match. But most of the time, my matches are filled with killers and survivors who play like assholes or clueless chickens, or bugs and poor map design that makes it feel unfair.

There is only so much frustration someone can take before they decide to throw the towel in. I find it annoying that somehow my playtime invalidates my arguments because people draw the conclusion that I'm just tired of the core gameplay loop, which is far from the truth.
galactic depression 14 Thg07, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
@WolvesCreek I think it's totally fair to criticize a game's gameplay loop when the game itself doesn't really do much to offer more variation and content for veteran players.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm "describing a totally different game", I'm simply criticizing the current gameplay mechanics for their flaws. Even if so, whart's the problem? A lot of other games do expand on their existing mechanics and make the game more intricate and interesting for both new and existing players, so why shouldn't Dead by Daylight?
EntityofDesire 13 Thg07, 2021 @ 6:03pm 
This is an odd review, as others have said the points are valid to some degree BUT after reading all his con list and suggesting what he'd prefer (which is valid in itself) he is basically describing a totally different game using the same ideas.

Sounds like your just bored of the same old same old which is totally fair, but maybe play something else after 1500hrs?

It really does sound like your just tired of the game and want it to change to such a degree that it feels new and fresh to you.
A GUN! Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! 13 Thg07, 2021 @ 11:56am 
Agree with nearly everything here, its really frustrating to know that the devs could easily fix these problems and have even addressed them before but then not followed through. The only thing id say i disagree with is the pigs ability, you have more time than it takes to get a trap off of your head, its actually really unlikely you'll die from it, and even if they get it off right away time wasted is time wasted.
❤ BBtheBEE 13 Thg07, 2021 @ 8:33am 
Excellent review! I'm around the same hours and although I do recommend the game for new players, it's just not fun anymore when you are in higher ranks and solo queue. I have thought for a long time there should be ranked games and casual games - something to split the two if youre a killer but trying a new one out and your rank is a 8 - red rank survivors and all very experienced, you get trolled and gen rushed. Its a mess the game right now I agree with alot of what you addressed. The devs need to listen to the players not just their beloved fog whisperers.
Golianther 13 Thg07, 2021 @ 7:15am 
But the devs and all the people working on this game sugarcoats the community saying its the best gaming community out there etc. My advice is if you dont have any friends dont play survivor or take bills perk for hatch and just solo bolo the game. If you dont have and dont plan on having friends on this game just play killer, play meta, respect the good survivors and just screw the rest of meatbags along the way. Unless They fix this mess im gonna do this
Golianther 13 Thg07, 2021 @ 7:14am 
i used to main survivor then, i realized out of all the people in the map killer is my only friend. Unfortunately dont have friends that play dbd. Not to mention Nea Mains keep working with the Entity. Then i said lemme try killer and see from their perspective. Played trapper, leatherface and Trickster then i realized the horrors of toxic survivor mains from a much wider angle. There were even Nea mains kept helping me even though that is unfair. Then i open the youtube search for meta killers and meta perks and show no remorse. Spirit and Nurse are my best friends since. Time to time i still play as a survivor and i know that there are toxic killers out there but i think survivors started this whole toxicity and divided the community.