Ezechiele 25:17
"Il cammino dell'uomo timorato è minacciato da ogni parte dalle iniquità degli esseri egoisti e dalla tirannia degli uomini malvagi. Benedetto sia colui che nel nome della carità e della buona volontà conduce i deboli attraverso la valle delle tenebre, perché egli è in verità il pastore di suo fratello e il ricercatore dei figli smarriti. E la mia giustizia calerà sopra di loro con grandissima vendetta e furiosissimo sdegno su coloro che si proveranno ad ammorbare e infine a distruggere i miei fratelli. E tu saprai che il mio nome è quello del Signore quando farò calare la mia vendetta sopra di te."
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alejandroenrique.com /art 29 Jun, 2017 @ 3:15am 
+rep THE APOCO FISTS R AWESOME!!!! Seriously, not kidding. THEY'LL EXPLODE INFRONT OR YOUR FACE. Muahahahaha. LOLZ
alejandroenrique.com /art 2 Jun, 2017 @ 2:20pm 
It sucks that todays society is so different that there's legitimately good reasons to not want men to masturbate freely in public because nowadays it means you're probably a dangerous weirdo instead of an enlightened free spirit. They should have some kind of formal test set up where you are thoroughly interviewed by a panel of scientists, philosophers, nobel laureates etc. and if you are the .01 percent who meets the criteria of being a true modern day philospher and gentleman you are given a special glowing e-bracelet so that if you are in public and are struck by a sublimely erotic idea you can freely explore its possibilities in your mind with no care to your ephemeral worldly surroundings. Instead of being horrified at some random dude jacking off in a mall food court you could just hold up your glowing wrist and everyone would smile solemnly and feel priveliged to be allowed to witness a great mind at work.
gloe boi 19 Mar, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
"Now watch me Whip
_/¯ ¯\_
Now watch me Nae Nae
\ 😳
|| \_
_/¯ ¯\_
"Now watch me Whip
_/¯ ¯\_
Now watch me Nae Nae
\ 😳
|| \_
_/¯ ¯\_
CON"SWAG"ULATIONS, youse a bad ♥♥♥♥♥ that id 💯 whip with👊 💥🔥⚡💨
Send this to your top baddest ♥♥♥♥♥ to let him know y'all are trill as hell. If you don't send this on within 5 hours you will suffer with your $wag game for the next 10 years👺 🙅🚫‪#‎badb1tche5only‬ 👀😈💦👊🏼👌🏼
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11 Nov, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
Tem que aprender a jogar dota mas é meu amigo
Xionxang 19 Sep, 2015 @ 2:53pm 
ban anime yes +1
8 Mar, 2014 @ 6:56am 
+rep friendly and fast trader