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76561199624988914 21 oct. à 1h23 
dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
nwm dlaczego nie moge dodac z maina
Tenis 5 oct. à 10h47 
Gaming marathon, you say? I'm in!
Thunder 'N' Light 24 sept. à 21h03 
✅➕REP from RUSSIA➕✅ I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3
zzmk 30 aout à 16h13 
why u buy a lvl10 acc,ur aim so amazing
b 29 aout à 5h05 
so bored
meow meow meow 26 aout à 12h20 
♥♥♥♥ player, be toxic as he is a racist and fat