
fhimy の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:34.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.4時間)
Finished the main game, and i absolutely loved it. Looking forward to playing left behind.
I also really want to play through the game atleast once more in the near future, but maybe with one or two game modifiers enabled.

The game is amazing. Probably my favourite game alongside a few other games.

I encountered a few stutters here and there, but nothing major. It ran very good through my entire playthrough.
I played on ultra + high settings.
I also encountered some items being stuck in a drawer that i couldn't get close enough to pick up, but that is
the only bug i had.

This was pretty much my first time playing the game, or atleast finishing the game. I did play almost half way
through it on PS3 a little while after the game first came out, but i stopped playing for some reason.
And i have been hoping and waiting for this game to come to pc for awhile now, but only recently started playing it, and i have loved it so much.

投稿日 2023年5月29日.
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総プレイ時間:22.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.8時間)
Great game so far, except that the fps drops at times.
The game doesn't run great but it doesn't run terribly. I haven't had on a fps counter, but the game is very playable, atleast for me.
There have been a few times where i can see/it feels like the fps dropped heavily, but quickly picks up again. It doesn't run smoothly, but i'm still having fun, and the fps never drops to a point where it becomes unplayable.
The game has not crashed a single time yet.
I'm playing on custom graphics settings, some ultra, and some lower.

There is no excuse for the games that have released with bad performance, but i don't get why some people are saying they are going to refund and wait for the game to be discounted. If anything, wait for the performance to be fixed, game is worth full price, well... Atleast i think so.
And if developers are to be trusted, they are currently working on a fix, so might not be a reason to refund at all.

But yeah, i do agree that releasing a game that most people are not able to run even with good computers is unacceptable.

Refund if you want, but then maybe stick to your morals and don't buy the game again, because what does refunding the game and buying it again later accomplish? Saving a few dollars? Good for you.

Anyways, do whatever you want. I don't really care. I'll keep having fun with the game.

your stepdad.
投稿日 2023年4月29日.
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総プレイ時間:60.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:48.4時間)
I had a whole rant written down, but lets skip that, and i'll just say this;
I believe that a review should not be based on any outside factors, and the review should be based solely on the item you're reviewing. Any outside factors should not be taken into account on your review. Giving something a bad review based on any outside factors is doing the game a huge disservice.

That being said, here is my review of the game.
The story is great, i am having so much fun with it. I even enjoy doing the side quests a lot.
I have found it quite fun to meet the people around the map, and making some decisions on the outcome of the quests.

The customization options are really good, both for your character and for your clothes a little later on after unlocking different styles.

Graphics are very good.
I am not playing on everything high-ultra, because my fps was dropping at times, but never to a point where the game became unplayable.

I am very close to have finished all the quests in the game, and i don't want to be done with the game yet.
I still have some bandit camps and other small side content left, but i doubt i will do them all. I am not going for 100%.
The magical beasts are amazing.

Hogwarts Legacy has quickly become one of my favourite games.
Would have loved for there to be many more side quests and main quests, but i have gotten 48 hours out of the game so far, and i do believe i have a few more hours left.
I might even start a new character just so i can play more besides doing bandit camps, etc, even though i am pretty sure i will just make the same dialogue options.

投稿日 2023年2月18日.
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総プレイ時間:15.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.2時間)
I am not too far into the story, but i have been enjoying it so far. I agree with some of the other reviews with there being too many cutscenes, or rather too many transitions between cutscenes and dialogue. I really like cutscenes, i personally wouldn't play a story based game if it didn't have cutscenes, so i don't really get all the hate, and i see no reason to buy a story based game if you're going to skip the cutscenes.
Also, the decision to stop all gameplay when having a conversation with the cuff is annoying, but not something that would make me not want to keep playing.

The game doesn't really run that good, but runs good enough that i still have fun playing. It never stutters or lags to the point where i want to stop playing, or to a point where it makes the game unplayable.
It hasn't crashed a single time yet, so i am hopeful it doesn't in the future.

I'm mainly doing the story missions, with some side objectives on the way to the missions, so i'm not playing on the hardest difficulty, but i should probably turn it up the next time i play, because it is very easy circling the enemies or even parkouring/dodging away and doing a lot of damage afterwards. I have enjoyed the game even on an easier difficulty, it is nice just relaxing while playing.
I like the parkour aspect of the game aswell. At first i didn't see a dodge option in the keybindings, but dodging is part of the parkour system.

The dungeons are fine the way they are. There is no reason for it to be a bigger part of the game, it is a story game after all. If you want to play something involving grinding in dungeons, find something that fits your interests. Even some games heavily based on dungeons are just copy paste but with slightly different mobs, so why so critical on this game, which only has it as a side objective?

I have not encountered a single bug, there most likely are some, and i haven't played that long so i might encounter some next time i play.

I also read something about the game/story being predictable, but come on. What game is not predictable to a certain degree? TV shows and movies, are pretty predictable aswell, but you still find a way to enjoy the story. Why is it so important that everything has to be a total surprise in this game?

I don't mind the price of the game. If i'm having fun and the game costs less than the hours i get out of it, or the game is good enough that the price doesn't really matter, i don't really care.

Anyways, these are just my opinions, if your opinions are different, that is totally fine. If you don't agree with some of the stuff i have said, that is fine, you have your own opinions.
I might have missed out on some things i wanted to type down, but have now forgotten, but i think these are the most important, maybe?


投稿日 2023年1月28日.
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総プレイ時間:67.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:56.1時間)
I have recently started the game from the beginning again, since i stopped playing it a little while back, but after playing AC Valhalla i wanted to come back for this one. I am still far from finishing the main story, but close-ish to where i left from previous save.

The story is good so far, and i am looking forward to getting past my previous save and seeing the parts of the story i haven't seen yet.
Only thing i don't like, and remember i didn't like back when i first played this game is the level system they have for the main missions. I get that exploring is a big part of the game, but i did more than enough of the exploring last time i played and on Valhalla, so i am pretty much only interested in playing through the story this time around.
Valhalla had a better system in my opinion. It was based on power, and yes the power levels on the main missions were higher than my power at times, but i found it still very manageable to go through main missions even with being significantly lower power, which i don't find that easily in Odyssey.
There were aspects of the combat i liked more in Valhalla aswell, like the combat with the bow, which i don't find that much use for in Odyssey, because the damage seems so low compared to in Valhalla.
But i am still having a great time with the combat in Odyssey, and i do not think Valhalla is superior or better than Odyssey in any way, they both have great aspects to them.

Only reason i am underleveled is because i haven't been doing much exploring this time, and i haven't really been doing any side quests unless they have sounded interesting. And i won't be doing it going forward either, i just want to see the story. I felt like i had to come back for this game and finish it, because it is a really good game and i really want to see what happens further into the story where i previously stopped playing.

I would probably have a way better time if i just finished the game back when i played it for the first time, and didn't come back to this game so close to finishing Valhalla, because i have had enough of exploring and side quests for a little while after doing similar things in Valhalla, but story is way way different and interesting so it keeps me playing.
投稿日 2023年1月16日.
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The story seems very interesting, but i am not really a fan of how it is told. I don't like the slideshow dialogue/cutscenes, and the combat isn't my style.
I really wanted to push myself to play through the game, but the combat is just not for me.

I don't want to give this game a bad review or say ''no'' to recommending it, because it doesn't seem to be a bad game, the story has me wanting to see more, i just don't want to keep playing because i personally don't enjoy that kind of combat.
There were occasions where i enjoyed the combat but not enough to make up for the times i didn't enjoy it.

I guess i will watch the anime to see the story.

I do however hope i come back to this game sometime in the future, and maybe then i will enjoy it more.

投稿日 2023年1月9日.
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This game is a mess. I still had fun playing, atleast some/most of the time.
I enjoyed the story, which is the only reason i kept playing.

The game crashed a few times, and it runs really bad. Sometimes it felt like i was running it on 30fps.
The combat is okay but, the dodging were slow, and over half of the time the dodges didn't even work. The special abilities didn't work some of the time because it thought i were holding down the button instead of pressing it.
Also, i don't understand why they put missions behind levels, i already chose what difficulty i wanted to play at. I pretty much only did the main missions so after a few missions i were behind in level compared to what the main mission recommended me to be in. I managed fine, but with the stuttering, low frames and the dodges it just made the combat bad.
I admit i screwed up a lot of the dodges, but sometimes it just didn't let me dodge.
The movement is wonky outside of fights, when grappling, walking over some ledges, dropping down from something.

I would recommend to probably wait a little before buying the game, for them to fix the low frames and the crashes.
If i had played with better frames i am sure i would have enjoyed the game way more, and if the missions didn't have a level system.
投稿日 2023年1月6日.
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総プレイ時間:18.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.7時間)
Fun game so far, i think i am getting close to the ending. I have mainly been doing main quests and a few side quests.
There are way too many puzzles, most of the things you can and have to do in the game is locked behind some kind of puzzle, and it just gets boring, annoying and tedious. I have enjoyed some of the puzzles, but they are just recycled later but made into a bigger scale, and it's just not fun.
Also, recently when closing the game it doesn't shutdown as it should, and it starts to lag my pc, and it doesn't let me restart or close the game properly.
Uplay keeps logging me out of my account, but it still lets me play without logging back in, so i don't really care that much.

Other than those things i have had fun playing, but i am looking forward to being done with the game and moving on to something else.
投稿日 2022年12月28日.
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総プレイ時間:11.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.3時間)
I really enjoyed it. Took less time to finish the game than i thought it would, but i had a great time.
It has some fun achievements, and good/fun dialogue and story.

I encountered a few bugs, one of them making my gun upgrades not take affect, quitting to the main menu and reloading fixed it partially.
Another bug was when i jumped ontop of a dead guy i got stuck and it made a weird sound every second, but reloading last checkpoint fixed it obviously.

I got almost 10 hours out of the game, so i would say it's worth the full price.
投稿日 2022年12月17日.
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7 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:55.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8.2時間)
I like it. Story is good. I think i am pretty far from finishing the story, but i like it so far. There are a lot of side objectives. I have done some, but i won't try to do them all, i am mainly in it for the main quests and the story, just doing some side objectives to further the game time even more.

some people have compared it to odyssey and say odyssey is so much better, the story might be better for some, but gameplay and control wise it is too similar to say one is better than the other in my opinion. But at the end of the day it is just opinions and everyone has their own.

Also, i have seen people refunding solely based on the lack of achievements, i kinda get why but at the same time i don't. Personally i don't care about achievements, sure it looks cool to have thousands of them but you can still do everything the game has to offer even without getting an achievement that tells you ''good job you did side quests''.

I haven't encountered any proper bugs yet, i have had the game tell me something about ''desynchronization'' when loading to my last save point after dying but i don't know if that is considered a bug and it only takes a few seconds to load my last save so i don't care.
I did however have a slight problem with the game not saving my graphics settings, but i did some weird stuff and restarted my pc and everything works perfect. fps runs constant 90 on everything high (that is the highest fps cap it seems).
I have seen a few reviews saying something about ''can't believe the game is in this state'' i don't really know what they are referring to.
Only had 1 crash in around 7 hours, so i don't know.

Anyways, i really like the game so far, if you don't you don't, i don't really care, and you have every right to not play a game or refund a game based on whatever, it's your money and your time.
投稿日 2022年12月11日. 最終更新日 2022年12月11日
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