⌠︎GriMmY™⌡   Presov, Slovakia
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Someone knows me by the name ⌠︎GriMmY™⌡
CSGO & CS2 :cozycsgoctwhite: :
Best rank comp. : Master Guardian 2 :csgostar::csgostar::csgostar: :cozycsgoctwhite:
Best rank wing. : Master Guardian 2 :csgostar::csgostar::csgostar: :cozycsgoctwhite:
And I Hate CSGO and CS2 :DDD.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬:cleankey:Welcome to my Profile:cleankey: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hi!, my name is Matej Marhevka alias Dzedo™ :cozybethesda:.
Someone knows me by the name ⌠︎GriMmY™⌡:cozybethesda:.
Im from SLOVAKIA (🇸🇰) - It's a small country in Central Europe :cozybethesda:.
I am currently a student at STU in Bratislava, so I do not have time, to play games :cozybethesda:.
Don't try things on me through TRADE, don't try to SCAM me, be polite to me :cozybethesda:.
I accept account only with level 10+, but there are also exceptions :cozybethesda:.

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Verified Ac­count ©2017-2024
Review Showcase
Fallout New Vegas!


„Fallout New Vegas“, hra, ktorá stala pri zrode môjho Steam účtu. Hra ,ktorá vyvolala vo mne rôzne pocity od strachu až po radosť. Hra ,ktorá navždy bude v mojom srdci a vždy si ju rád zahrám. Každú minútu a hodinu venovanú tejto hre som si nesmierne užil.

(+) Hra ma od počiatku zaujala svojím úvodom, príjemnou a napätou atmosférou, pri ktorej ako malý som sa nesmierne bál. Prostredie Post-war amerického juhozápadu so žltým filtrom, je perfektne vyobrazené a na tú dobu aj unikátne. Postavu kuriéra som z počiatku veľmi nechápal, no po hodinách hrania a hackovania terminálov, som začal postupne chápať každej jednej súvislosti v hre a aj v hernom lóre. Variácia dialógov, frakcii, postav a výberu koncov bol a je na tú dobu unikátny (každý koniec závisel od vybraných dialógov, perkov, skillpointov). Dostupné DLC sú tiež jednou z popredných skvelých vlastností hry, keď ako fallout fanúšik si užijem ešte viac času v hre. Samotné DLC tu nebudem recenzovať, ale boli prijemným obmením prostredia púšte, za lozenie po zničených mestách, alebo „moneyheistu“ v Kasíne Sierra Madre.

(-) Veľkým mínusom tejto hry je kompatibilita. Tým že tato hra je už postaršia, často hra padá (crashuje), sú tam bugy v textúrach, ak alttabujete. Všetky tieto chyby sa však dajú vyriešiť jednoduchým hrabaním sa v súboroch hry, kde stačí pridať Fallout Patcher, NVSE a anticrasher NVAC.

Napriek chýbam je táto hra moja najobľúbenejšia a hodnotím ju triezvo a kladne 9/10. <3


"Fallout New Vegas", the game that gave birth to my Steam account. A game that evoked in me different feelings from fear to joy. A game that will always be in my heart and I will always love to play. I have enjoyed every minute and hour I have spent on this game immensely.

(+) The game captivated me from the beginning with its introduction, its pleasant and tense atmosphere, which made me extremely scared when I was a kid. The setting of the post-war American Southwest, with its yellow filter, is perfectly portrayed and unique for the time. I didn't really understand the courier character at first, but after hours of playing and hacking terminals, I gradually began to understand every single context in the game and in the game's lore. The variation in dialogue, factions, characters and choice of endings was and is unique for the time (each ending depended on the chosen dialogue, perks, skillpoints). The available DLC is also one of the game's leading great features, though as a Fallout fan I enjoy even more time in the game. I won't review the DLCs themselves here, but they were a nice change of pace from the desert setting, for a romp through ruined cities, or a "moneyheist" in the Sierra Madre Casino.

(-) The big minus of this game is compatibility. By the fact that this game is already older, often the game crashes, there are bugs in the textures if you alttab. However, all of these bugs can be solved by simply digging around in the game files, where you can just add Fallout Patcher, NVSE and the anticrasher NVAC.

Despite the flaws, this game is my favorite and I rate it a sober and positive 9/10. <3

Song for my lovely NCR:
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4TomiST 30 Jan @ 5:14am 
ajjj dont ľajk z džúús:steamhappy:, end i gesss dey dont ľajk mi tú:steamsad:
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+rep Presovcan :steamhappy:
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Happy New Year 2022! May your wishes come true!
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