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4.7 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 4,813.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (3,665.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2014. okt. 24., 17:41
Frissítve: 2018. ápr. 16., 14:13

When I first played Team Fortress 2 back in 2010, it was at the start of the Engineer Update. I started to play on Sniper maps when I first played and got used to the sniper class, then I discovered other servers like TFc2 and learned other classes (but also learned about how it had nades and the gamemode server brought them back). There were alot of vareity of servers back in 2010 like Toyfort, Orange, and many ran stock maps on rotation. Nowadays its mainly gamemode servers like FnaF, Slender, VSH, etc.

Getting used to crafting at the start is cool, especially when you try to create the Fronteir Justice like I did when I first crafted it. Then when the Mann Co. Store update hit, I got to being able to collect the sniper set and the pryo set pretty fairly quick. Then when the Uber Update hit, I got the medic set crafted or dropped and enjoyed using the weapons. Mainly, all the content updates tend to bring good new tools for the mercenaries to use and bring balance (sometimes imbalance but fixes quickly) to the current unlocks and vanilla weapons and tools.

The HATS are the main feature of the game come 2009 and it was a very light choice then, today you have alot of options to choose from and with Workshop integration, you can rate and help sumbit new community made hats and the bulk are very good, like items inspired by TFC to fruitwear to future hats and gear.

New offiicial modes were added since the base game release like Mann vs Machine (PvE) and Competitive (6v6) but as I mentioned earlier, there are servers that run custom modes like Arena, VSH, Slender, Randomizer, and more.

I enjoy(ed) it for the graphics and the gameplay that has hooked me for 3,000+ hours. I hope that you can enjoy it for the days to come.
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