Ducks Unlimited
Desmond   United States
.......... *SNIPE*

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Sin conexión
Dalek: Sec 29 MAY 2010 a las 7:52 p. m. 
Cake.....Addicting games has been the only thing keeping me sane.....because I don't have any real games to make me happy...I needed to play ten times more than with a real game....gosh I can't wait to play again, I will be playing again soon after Monday, 'memorial' day.
Ducks Unlimited 8 ABR 2010 a las 9:04 p. m. 
I like cake.
Dalek: Sec 6 AGO 2009 a las 11:02 a. m. 
2nd comment lol hey dude just becoming a member that is sweet!
Ducks Unlimited 23 JUN 2009 a las 3:48 p. m. 
fIrst Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!