South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea.
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Softshine798 15/out./2016 às 22:51 
What's with the trade ban? Valve didn't like it when you were selling keys at a fair price?
hey, monday 25/set./2016 às 19:31 
Added to trade.
Bins 2/set./2016 às 17:16 
added to sell 2 tf2 cards.
Jessu 24/ago./2016 às 7:03 
sent invite to sell you a trading card
_ianits 11/ago./2016 às 10:40 
added to trade from tf2 outpost
Terry Wrist 6/ago./2016 às 10:03 