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Seneste anmeldelser af DrunkenGamingGuy

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4.4 timer registreret i alt
If you're brand new to the game (me) and only played because you enjoy shooters and gundam. Don't even bother. This games casual matchmaking, it might as well be someone watching Seal Team 6 try to fight deformed babies. You'll probably have more enjoyment from taking a fully grown saguaro cactus and trying to fit the 17 arms it can grow inside of you while also reciting the entirety of The Odyssey in its native tongue. That being said IT COULD BE FUN if you weren't matched up against people who haven't started recently and have to use the base units while they run circle around you and trash your unit. But nope. Anyone that says they enjoy this game are the ones who haven't actually spoken to another sentient human being since they could formulate thoughts.
UNLESS they fix the matchmaking I really hope this game gets shut down.
Skrevet: 18. april 2023. Sidst redigeret: 18. april 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.2 timer registreret i alt (4.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I did actually enjoy this game. I especially enjoyed watching my gf at the time play through and ask me all these different questions and where to go. I figured it out on my own so it was her turn. Only, she picked an opposite choice leading the game in a whole different direction which made me have to take over for her because she was getting frustrated and I didn't know what to do either.

The reason I find this fun is because that little segway of choice kind of builds a relation between you and your character. You're now afraid and alone while this mad man who is still faceless through out the WHOLE game is after you and you really don't know why until the very end. But it all leads back into the normal path anyways so that way you can actually continue through the game as if you never did that so in essence that little distraction adds to the game rather than just frustrates and makes you wanna drop it at that point.

The imagination that went into this was rather fast and the pacing was nice as well but I do have some questions as to really what the hell was going on. I'm sure there is some deeper meaning or maybe even just because hey it looks pretty awesome but a little clarity would be nice.

Overall, its free and I enjoyed it. I'm actually probably gonna play it again and let my friends have a go at it and see how they fare throught this ordeal.
Skrevet: 14. januar 2015.
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0.5 timer registreret i alt
I got this game on a steam sale this summer. I just thought it would be interesting since its all dream sequences. I haven't progressed too far but what I see I like.

The game controls are simple to handle and its actually not too floaty of a platformer. I do like how changing characters changes music and background and they help you solve puzzles by basically giving you the crystals to look for in order to get past the next section. They don't just leave you hanging and have you forget to switch because you like the Punk sisters music so much more.

What I would say is a bit unnecessary is the fact that the girls hair is just so physics involved that it really kinda kills the frame rate at certain points. I get you're trying to make them look very dreamlike cuz of how flowy it can be but its quite over the top when you have each hair tendril falling at its own pace.

Overall I would say get this game if you like a good platformer with simple puzzle solving and if you like collectibles.
Skrevet: 30. juni 2014.
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