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Recent reviews by Dr. Tobillo

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3 people found this review helpful
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0.9 hrs on record
Overly simple tutorial that barely covers the basics, but already on the first level of network sandbox your station gets bombarded at the first minute by a ♥♥♥♥ ton of commuters that get mad at everything for no reason. The fact that you basically have to procure even the most basic of the tools and utilities for the station to work doesn't make it easier. You could at least start with the basic tools and then you can procure better ones... do I really have to explicity ask for a WHEELIE BIN? I mean, come on. It's like "you have to start a hospital, but ♥♥♥♥ you if you need beds or nurses" Maybe I'm complaining too much but the game isn't as casual as it's sold. Not my cup of tea, really.
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
20.2 hrs on record
So, PowerWash Simulator and Viscera Cleanup Detail loved eachother and had a kid, and this kid was raised by Breaking Bad. That's more or less what Crime Scene Cleaner is all about. Janitor working at a random highschool, barely making ends meet, needs cash ASAP for sick kid, turns out has a knack for dirty work (both literally and figuratively). Quick fun, not too casual but not overwhelmingly complex like VCD.
Totally recommended.
Posted 29 September, 2024. Last edited 1 December, 2024.
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34.4 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
El Presidente is love, el Presidente is life
Posted 7 July, 2024.
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457.6 hrs on record (163.2 hrs at review time)
Lejos el mejor Fallout de toda la saga. Infinidad de storylines, muchísimas armas, compañeros de todo tipo. ¡Recomiendo jugar este juego con el Unofficial Patch y el Restoration Mod para mejorar aún más la experiencia de juego y agregar lugares y misiones que Black Isle dejó afuera!
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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15.3 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Oh dios que gran juego. Limpiar nunca fue tan divertido. Y sangriento. Y enfermizo.
Lo mejor: incinerar todo!
Lo peor: Los baldes son un desastre. Con mirarlos mal ya se vuelcan.
Recomiendo escuchar la banda sonora de Civilization IV (epoca medieval, renacimiento y edad industrial) de fondo con el reproductor de Steam. Le da un toque a limpiar litros de sangre del piso y la pared.
Posted 22 December, 2014.
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51.3 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
Great brain workout, guaranteed to give hours and hours of fun (if you are into puzzles and logical games that is) and you always have the chance to build your own machines if you are bored of solving the Professor's ones... lt the creativity flow!
100% recommended!
Posted 24 July, 2011.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries