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0.0 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 2,713.8 godz. łącznie (1,745.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Zamieszczono 17 sierpnia 2018 o 6:12
Zaktualizowano 5 czerwca 2019 o 4:46

Recenzja CS:GO
You can spend hours a day playing this game and trying to improve your skill.

- addictivity
- have fun with friends
- playable for rushers, campers, solo players, team players...
- fair price
- community server
- competetive with ranking system

- updates take months
- hacker or trolling people
- a new operation takes years
- almost no new stuff
- losing more and more players
- ranking system and matchmaking is horrible

If you get along with playing the same maps over and over again you are able to enjoy the game.
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