Dr. LeFaucheur
Blake   Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
Name: Dr. Didier LeFaucheur

Date of Birth: 5 September 1914

Place of Origin: Strasbourg, Alsace, France

Job Description: Infernal Medicine - Field Medic, Surgeon; Anesthesiologist; Psychiatrist/Psychologist; Undertaker, Embalmer, and Grave-Digger/Mortician; Alpine Voodoo/Thaumaturgic Specialist; and Mythical Equestrian Urologist, Obstetrician, and Gynecologist.

Motto: "I'm going to saw through your groin!"


Dr. LeFaucheur is a Lorrainese man of Medicine. He comes from a bloodline of medical practitioners and apothecaries tracing back to the days of the First Reich and Gaulish France. Born and raised during a time of intense warfare, Nazi occupation and TAlpine Magic proliferation, The Sex Doctor has learned that defending the Hippocratic Oath is not only difficult, but that some of its ethics sometime require.... alternative implementation.

"But wait! It gets much better; when the Warden woke up, all of the Prisoners were missing and the Doctor was never heard from again! Anyways, that is how I lost my medical license." - Dr. Didier LeFaucheur


I have unwillingly learned that there are things in this world that are better left alone and unquestioned lest you go down a dank, murky and agonizingly painful path of impossibility that cannot be understood: The Canadian Porno-Spiderman is a prime example of this lesson.

Inspirational Quips and Anecdotes
A true medic doesn't care about praise, about scores, or about allegiances. They are healers first, and fighters last. To fight is to give your last for a patient, to show that the greatest honor is to die for another, so they may live for you. A great medic has a special place, a realm all his own waiting, and through a life of sacrifice and honor may they reach it and know that the truth is; 'Do KNOW harm, so you might better protect from it.' -Christopher Walters
microsoft is like a stripper it doesn't actually like you it just pretends to so you can give it more money -Rory McDonald
Glutch: heh
Glutch: i think that top player on blu team learned his lesson
Dr. LeFaucheur: don't futch with the Glutch
Glutch: ima futch u in the butt butch
(The following is a transcription of a voice chat session)
Dr. Warkay: The lauwze [sic] of--*BEURAAAAAHP*
Dr. LeFaucheur: *Hysterical Laughter* Vous imbecile !
Dr. Warkay: *even more hysterical laughter*
Dr. LeFaucheur: It's official I have to quote you on that now.
Dr. Warkay: *snickering, devolving into hysterical laughter* D-don't do that! I-I'll be very *breaks down laughing again* disappointed if you do!
LeFaucheur: Oh my god what the hell is this? A wheel is literally lifting off the ground!
Warka: Yes, Faucheur, that's what we call a fly wheel!
I don't remember anything about it because you weren't born yet! - Warka
(In voice call)
LeFaucheur: Uh, I have a bad feeling about this...
Warka: Yup...

*Both die to a barrage of giant soldier rockets*
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
6,147 Hours played
The current state of the playability of this game is milquetoast. Despite the recent 64-bit upgrade which has tremendously improved visual performance and the ever-continuing cult of love and fanaticism which has made this game truly timeless, this title is under attack by malicious individuals who seek its destruction by degrading the experience in any and every way possible.

Swarms of automated bot accounts have significantly degraded the free-to-play experience through the exploitation of basic functions such as chat, voice, and even in-game voice actions. To which the workaround employed by Valve was to effectively pay-wall these functions by restricting their use to users who have been authenticated by means of an in-game purchase fundamentally defeating the usability of a free-to-play platform.

These same bots also employ exploits that abuse the vulnerability of the game' client-server communication architecture to cheat by arbitrarily killing players with fraudulent sniper headshots immediately when any line of sight is detected even if the bot is not actually looking at the player.

They are so numerous in quantity that they roam from server to server en-masse to which when they comnect, they abuse the server voting system to force a majority vote to kick out legitimate players or players who try to fight back by reciprocally issuing a vote to kick the bots.

They have sewn the seeds of mistrust among legitimate players who play sniper, they are disenfranchising new players by depriving them of basic functionalities, and they have ruined the ability to just play the game like we used to for years.

My most lasting friendships in my relatively short life of 30 years have all been because of Team Fortress 2. I have had amazing memories and experiences born from this game. It single-handedly changed my perspective and opinion on First Person Shooters and online multiplayer games. It shames me and cuts deep into my soul that this might be how the saga ends.

I truly hope that I am seriously wrong, just like when I was a naive 16 year-old who hated shooters and multiplayer games, who saw an ad for this game back in 2011 and thought there was nothing to lose by trying it out.

I will never forget my first 15 minutes after completing the tutorial: I connected to a random quick play server and, as an engineer, I was carrying a teleporter on dust bowl when an enemy sniper suddenly appeared brandishing a ham shank. The sniper exclaimed, "Now this is a knife!" I was then struck with a single critical hit which killed me.

I had no words for what I experienced then and I thought about that moment almost every time I started up TF2.

#SaveTF2 #FixTF2
Recent Activity
55 hrs on record
last played on 27 Mar
22 hrs on record
last played on 28 Feb
6,147 hrs on record
last played on 26 Feb
Warka 12 Feb @ 6:35pm 
SimCopter One reporting heavy traffic.
Warka 10 Jan @ 7:03am 
Charge me Doc !
Warka 29 Dec, 2024 @ 6:14am 
L'industrie requiert un doc de maire ! (wait, what?)
Reimu 28 Dec, 2024 @ 1:15pm 
Have a nice happy holidays, and a happy new year sir:rjumendoka2:
Warka 19 Nov, 2024 @ 11:54am 
Chou-Fleur ou Fourchette? :steammocking:
Warka 27 Aug, 2024 @ 7:31am 
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