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Publicada: 19 mar. 2018 às 23:53
Atualizada: 22 nov. 2018 às 7:05

At first glance, this game sounds very boring, the graphics looks boring too.

My friends recommended this game to me when it first came out. That was 2 years before I bought it.

The reason why I bought DST is because my friend recently asked me if wanted to play and he told me to give it a try after I told him I didn't have the game.

And trust me I have no regrets, none at all.

This game is especially fun with friends, everyone trying to survive together and some occassionally dying on purpose to troll everyone else.

The graphics at first glance might seem weird but trust me, you'll learn to adapt pretty quickly like how the thousands of people that bought this game did.



Entertaining with friends but still fun when playing alone with mods installed

Has console commands enabled for trolling etc

Not easy when just starting but easy to get the hang of

Troll enabled (definitely a pro)

Not pricey considering how fun it is

Cool names for characters and mobs


Slight crashes with certain mods enabled

Max player in a server is 6 (shouldn't matter if u have no friends)

Not easy to make dedicated server

The type of game that gets boring after playing alot (Edt: Surprisingly still good after 2 years)
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