Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg City, Russian Federation
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Imagine this story playing out: you have a fight between 9 players in trios going on for about 20 minutes, the fight is extremely even and it is full of exciting exchanges and firefights, noone is camping everyone tries their best to get an upper hand. it is pure fun for everyone involved and when it is all over you say something along the lines of: "gg, this was a really fun match, thank you for playing", it was one of those really amazing and memorable matches. You begin the standard routine: you begin looting the corpses and think to yourself "that was amazing". Then at this point in time this dmzor fires his first shot in the entire match and kills you with a mosin spitzer at a 170m distance.
Your mate is trying to move around and find him, but to no result. Dmzor is still hiding in his bush far away doing nothing at all, just like in the first 30 minutes of the match. So as you spectate this situation you take the time to check his profile only to realize he has over 10.000 hours in this game. The game goes on, your mate spent the last 12 minutes searching and did not get a single contact with Dmzor, he comes back to your corpse and tries to rez, because there is only 3 minutes left for this match. This is the point in time where Dmzor fires another bullet, Headshot, end of the match, you and your buddies quit hunt for the day.

Point is, i am not here to spout any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insults at you, Dmzor. I think even though i don't like your style of play you are obviously still in the right to play that way. What i want to tell you though, is that your single dopamine rush in 45 minutes is achieved in a way that is best described as "toxic" and "inefficient".

You were watching 9 people having fun for the better part of 30 minutes, missing out on it and only got a single fun moment out of it in a way that doesn't even feel rewarding if i'd play that way, because clicking at a head that is defenseless and standing still for 5 seconds (because it has to in order to get a revive and for looting) with a sniper from a bush 170m away is something that even the most incompetent people would manage. With your 10.000 hours of experience i am more than certain that you could get way more fun out of playing in a way that participates more in a match. I don't know what made you play the way you do, but it is the slowest and definitely most inefficient way of obtaining a little spark of fun in this game. I congratulate you to your bounty and to you survivng the match, yet i would really recommend to play in a less passive and quite honestly less abusive way. Hope you enjoy your day and see you in the bayou!
MrSeryous 8 июн. 2023 в 18:08 
Completionist Showcase
Artwork Showcase
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TRAUMVTIX 25 Nov, 2024 @ 11:50am 
Чел, тебе самому в кайф крысить будучи 100 престижем? Вместо того, чтобы сражаться как мужчина, ты целенаправленно сидишь в кустах) Не позорься, удали игру
TRAUMVTIX 25 Nov, 2024 @ 11:49am 
Lol, a typical rat with 100 prestige
Chigura 23 Nov, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
агресивный школьник не уважающий свою мать
sardin 18 Nov, 2024 @ 1:11pm 
HOLY 11k hours we should play one day, you can show me the way
Chef 18 Nov, 2024 @ 12:31pm 
L rat
sardin 18 Nov, 2024 @ 8:37am 
LOL I killed my teammate