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46.2 hrs on record (21.8 hrs at review time)
First off, as everyone else is saying, the optimisation is ♥♥♥♥ especially for something that has a competitive mode. I have great specs that are well above the minimum stated on the steam page and i get less than 144fps which is what i expect when i play a competitive shooter multiplayer game with a high refresh rate display. In order to even get close to a competitive framerate i am forced to lower all settings possible and use the AMD FSR performance mode upscaler, which is abysmal. Another thing i would like to see is being able to disable the mouse acceleration in game, not having to go into a config file to do so. (EDIT 03/01/2025: They removed the ability to edit ANY config file which further solidifies my negative review)

Here are my specs:
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600
RAM: 16GBx2 DDR4 3200MHZ
SSD: Samsung 980 PRO 1TB < The game is here

Secondly, it's just Overwatch again because blizzard lost the playerbase, if you're into that, sure, it's good, competently made and fun to play, because its almost exactly a copy of overwatch but just marvel characters.

This is where the objectivity ends and my opinions begin.

I am very tired of the game design and i wish to see something different be popular for once, hence why this review is marked negative, i will only ever play this when my friends play it as i have no other reason to play, i don't like it.
It's plagued by the classic freemium game ploys, paid skins, a battle pass, competetive ranks, the works.
I am very tired of seeing Team Fortress 2 with new shiny color characters again for the N-th time since 2007, it's detrimental to the overall gaming space and i think a change is needed.
The people obviously want this as this game (and Overwatch before it) is currently as of writing this review doing good numbers for a new release. This saddens me greatly.
There is no server browser, there is competitive matchmaking and voice chat is recorded (cringe) all things i dislike greatly in modern video games as i strongly believe they are detrimental to what we've had before in multiplayer video games.
Posted 25 December, 2024. Last edited 3 January.
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7.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
very good
Posted 4 November, 2024.
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15 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Upon starting the game for the first time i had to go into windowed mode so that i could click the menu buttons at all (this is a problem with scaling on windows, my monitor is at 100% native scaling but the game is being rendered at a lower resolution making it not possible to click the menu buttons without guesswork), i had to press ALT+ENTER on my keyboard in order to go into windowed mode and THEN i could play the game. This is not helped by the fact that the options menu only features a Low Medium High preset for the graphics and no resolution options.
Also even though i have moderately high end specs the game was spinning up my fans like crazy, no FPS issues to it was above 60 all the time.

The second run of the game there were no scaling issues.

Nitpick but Geyser is spelled Geyser.

I was able to go through all of the content the game has in under 5 minutes, this includes split screen co-op. There is a definite need for more content, only having one map centered around the totem gamemode with just a day/night difference is not enough.

The cutscenes are unskippable, this gets very annoying when you have to see the characters run into the arena every time you play a match, on top of that there is a 3 second Lets go timer EVERY TIME you see the unskippable cutscenes, making if very infuriating when you want to just get into the game.

The timer is glitched, the timer is actually 1 minute and 2 seconds, it looks like it is 3 minutes however once the counter hits 02:00 the timer starts treating the minutes as seconds and immediately goes to 01:00 > 00:00 and ends the game.

The core gameplay loop is not really appealing as a multiplayer game, players on opposing teams cannot damage eachother and simply have to either stun or avoid eachother as they fight to turn the totem more before the time runs out, if that sounds like a very simple and lackluster gameplay loop is because it is. Not being able to kill other players doesnt make it any better, i think the gameplay would very much benefit from players being able to kill eachother, and more purpose being given to each class as well as adding in more classes, as it stands there is no reason to pick any of the 3 given classes when all you need to do is just throw things at the totem, why would players even bother shooting eachother when its just a short stun and you just get back up and throw things at the totem again. Also i may have misunderstood but is there no difference between shooting the top or bottom totem? Really didnt seem like that did anything while i was playing with my friend. Shooting the color of the enemies makes it so you can win for their side? But sometimes it also said that i won? Despite being a different color?

As another review said, more variety in maps, more interactibility in the maps like powerups, specials. The geysers give you no advantage whatsoever, some platforms in the maps are inaccessible, there is no weapon variety, no character variety, switching between the characters offers you no difference as if you were to play any of the other ones.

Holding down an attack on the magician does not hold your attack while you hold the button, it automatically shoots the attack despite you still holding down the button.

The entire flow of the gameplay feels weird, the jumping animation and speed feels off, the camera speed is weird, the forced motion blur makes it feel weird, overall just not something polished/comfortable/satisfying.

Changing the camera sensitivity in the options does not work.

The tutorial area is very easy to boundary-break, i was able to go outside of the confines of the map quite easily.

On the final enemy in the tutorial it often glitches an i cannot continue without restarting the tutorial.

The map, for what the gameplay is trying to do, is very small. I think the gameplay would hugely benefit with these changes:

- Players should be able to kill eachother, upon death a short respawn timer places them at opposite sites of the map
- The map/s should be way way bigger with more verticality introduced, more travel options and enough distance so that it takes a bit of time to get back to the center (the totem) so that it is an advantage for the teams to kill eachother and put more points into the totem so they can win faster.
- More platforms, more powerups and for some maps i would say a penalty for being thrown off the platform (like the quicksand but something more death-y
- More purpose to the classes, for example the magician could give a speed buff to the spearmen or healing, thus it is advantageous to keep them alive so you can hit the totem to your side while defending it against the other team
- Bigger player count, 1v1 is just boring as it stands
- More purpose to turning the totem, other than winning the game, maybe you get a small damage buff if your team has more points?
- More ways for teams to compete with eachother, buffs/debuffs, attacks that slow down other players in more ways than just the stun animation?

I know this is your first game, i know its hard to make a polished product, but this review is left here so that improvements can be made, everyone starts somewhere and feedback is always a good thing.
Posted 9 November, 2023. Last edited 9 November, 2023.
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393.2 hrs on record (187.0 hrs at review time)
yea that was pretty good
Posted 1 May, 2023.
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35.9 hrs on record (27.7 hrs at review time)
yea its alright
Posted 25 December, 2019.
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68.6 hrs on record (67.0 hrs at review time)
Things i learned while playing Endless Space:

amoebas see the entire universe
rocks dont believe money and dont have emotions
and im a dirty capitalist
Posted 24 February, 2018.
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58.1 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
bad company 3 when

Posted 24 February, 2018.
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990.3 hrs on record (752.8 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
yea its ok
Posted 20 June, 2015. Last edited 30 June, 2019.
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