過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 21 / 71(30%)項成就:

Yeah, RIP

Die in Permadeath Mode.
解鎖於 2022 年 9 月 13 日 上午 8:15

This Squalid Hamlet

Achieve Respect with Osbrook.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 3:52

Totally Bear-able

Kill a bear before reaching level five while outside settlements or their outskirts.
解鎖於 1 月 26 日 下午 12:09

Aspiring Mercenary

Fulfill a contract.
解鎖於 2022 年 9 月 18 日 上午 5:54

City of Gold

Arrive in Brynn.
解鎖於 2 月 2 日 上午 9:39


Have leeches applied to six body parts at the same time.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 2:31

Watch Me Rise

Complete the tutorial.
解鎖於 2022 年 2 月 21 日 上午 6:50

Bela Lugosi is Dead

Kill the Ascended Archon.
解鎖於 2022 年 9 月 16 日 上午 11:22

That's Brutal!

Die during the tutorial.
解鎖於 1 月 26 日 上午 11:16

Eternal Hunger

Kill the Ascended Archon without letting him eat a single corpse.
解鎖於 1 月 26 日 上午 11:14


Survive at 1 HP, then fully restore your Health.
解鎖於 1 月 26 日 下午 12:09

Legalise Drugs and Murder

Kill an enemy while affected by Bad Trip.
解鎖於 2022 年 9 月 16 日 上午 11:16

The Bitter Beginning

Complete the Prologue.
解鎖於 2022 年 9 月 16 日 上午 11:24

Veteran Hireling

Fulfill 10 contracts in a single playthrough.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 6:45

Trapmaker's Art

Kill 5 enemies with a claw trap in a single playthrough.
解鎖於 2 月 21 日 上午 8:28

Fetch This!

Complete 5 tasks in a single playthrough.
解鎖於 2 月 10 日 上午 8:09

Old Friend

Recruit Darrel to your Caravan.
解鎖於 2 月 2 日 上午 11:39

The Hunt Begins

Recruit Alda to your Caravan.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 3:52

Farewell to Arms

Recruit Leif into the Caravan.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 2:25

Full House

Have three Followers in the Caravan at the same time.
解鎖於 2 月 8 日 上午 3:52

Professionals Have Standards

Find an alternative way to complete Fate of the Brewery.
解鎖於 2 月 2 日 上午 9:33

Steel for Humans

Unlock and learn every Sword ability.


Unlock and learn every Axe ability.

Razor Sharp Daggers

Unlock and learn every Dagger ability.

Get Maced

Unlock and learn every Mace ability.

That's the Point

Unlock and learn every Spear ability.

There Can Be Only One

Unlock and learn every Two-Handed Sword ability.

Rest in Pieces

Unlock and learn every Two-Handed Axe ability.

Total Warhammer

Unlock and learn every Two-Handed Mace ability.

Duck and Cover

Unlock and learn every Shield ability.

Arrowheads Arrowheads Arrowheads

Unlock and learn every Ranged Weapon ability.

Long End of the Stick

Unlock and learn every Staff ability.

Destination: Blood!

Unlock and learn every Dual Wielding ability.

Do You Even Lift?

Unlock and learn every Athletics ability.

Sun Tzu Said That!

Unlock and learn every Warfare ability.

Don't Feed the Troll

Kill the Ancient Troll.

In Vino Veritas

Achieve Respect with Mannshire.

Dr. Phlogiston, I Presume

Have 4 enemies on fire at the same time.

I Have No Arms, and I Must Kill

Kill an enemy with a melee attack while one of your arms is Severely Injured.

What a Time to be Alive

Experience 3 deadly effects or Severe Injuries at the same time.

Handle with Care

Destroy a quest item.

The Only Thing They Fear is You

Have 4 enemies flee from you at the same time.

Shovel Knight

Kill the Ancient Troll with a shovel.

Reputable Sellsword

Fulfill 20 contracts in a single playthrough.

Weekend at the Fire Academy

Unlock and learn every Pyromancy ability.

Can't Cheat the Mountain

Unlock and learn every Geomancy ability.

Outlaw Anthems

Achieve Respect with the Rotten Willow Tavern.

The Fittest

Unlock and learn every Survival ability.

That Belongs In A Museum

Find 5 unique items or artifacts in a single playthrough.

Tomb Raider

Find a secret room, dig up 20 graves, and open 10 luxurious sarcophaguses in a single playthrough.


Bring a miniboss' Health from full to zero with a single Boulder Toss.

Gotta Skin 'Em All

Skin every animal type (including the Troll) in a single playthrough.

Ups and Downs

Experience every Psyche effect in a single playthrough.

Theory & Praxis

Study 30 treatises and learn 30 abilities in a single playthrough.

Drink And Be Merry

Try every type of alcohol in the game.

Right Back at You

Kill a ghoul with a bone throw.

My Precious

Break a contract with the quest item already in your Inventory or the Caravan Storage.

Ride The Lightning

Unlock and learn every Electromancy ability.

Yer a Wizard

Unlock and learn every Magic Mastery ability.

Some Kind of Monster

Kill Manticore.

Enemies Closer

Unlock and learn every Armored Combat ability.

Yes Chef!

Learn and put to use 20 different cooking recipes.

DIY or Die

Learn and put to use 10 different crafting schematics.

Pimp My Ride

Install every Caravan Upgrade.

The Real Treasure AND The Friends We Made

Achieve maximum Loyalty with three Followers while there's at least three artifacts in the Caravan Storage.

Something Fishy

Achieve Respect with Denbrie.

Around Aldor in a Day

Move the Caravan 70 tiles in one day.

Travelling Salesman Problem

Sell each type of commodity at least once, earning 5000 crowns and visiting every settlement in the process.

剩 3 項隱藏成就
