bogan prime
I Spilled Baked Beans Over Myself Watching Cars 2
6:58 p.m. - Spummy McSpummbucket: Then I realized as someone who has licked people's eyebrows, stuck my finger up people's nose, invaded other peoples sleeves, maybe I DO need a safe word.

12:15 p.m. - Livid Tea: when i was in kindergarten we had to write a letter to santa and i wrote that i wanted a black scorpian for christmas

1:59 p.m. - AirSalad is now Online.
2:03 p.m. - AirSalad: lol
2:18 p.m. - AirSalad is now Offline.

3:45 p.m. - Arcturus: Your father looks at your mother
3:45 p.m. - Arcturus: A bass soundtrack plays
3:45 p.m. - Arcturus: Your reaction to this says things about your psychological character, according to some psychiatrists
3:45 p.m. - Arcturus: You contemplate this while they have sex
3:46 p.m. - Arcturus: Nine months later you're born
3:46 p.m. - Arcturus: You don't remember your contemplations yet. It's a time loop
3:46 p.m. - Bogan Prime: you cry, knowing there's truly no escape
3:47 p.m. - Arcturus: The doctors take your crying as a sign that your are alive
3:47 p.m. - Arcturus: But can you ever truly be?

23:09 - Cука ♥♥♥♥♥: Do you ever see Jewish parties where they're all dancing with those goofy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hats and wish that you were Jewish so you could go do that? They look like a lot of fun.

niaouli : stop now
niaouli : he broke his screen
niaouli : g
niaouli : g

12:21 a.m. - Arcturus: if you win gold, you should hold your fist in the air to stand up for the rights of people with slightly tannish skin and are thus mistaken as being a minority constantly even though they're white as ♥♥♥♥ genetically

8:58 p.m. - Spummy McSpummbucket: Like, what's a video game that had huge critical success, strong commercial success, but then was left alone?
8:58 p.m. - Spummy McSpummbucket: And that's the key part, left alone: they could've done more but did not.
8:59 p.m. - croc problem d o w n: half life 2 ep 2
8:59 p.m. - Spummy McSpummbucket: ow

8:14 p.m. - Bogan Prime: why say you're knowledgeable about anime when you could say you're a blackbelt in weeafu?
8:14 p.m. - skye: >:(
8:14 p.m. - skye: >:(((((((((
8:14 p.m. - skye: >>:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

9:29 p.m. - trashtop: what the heck did you sleep through this time dude
9:30 p.m. - deepest sleeper au/nz: civil defense emergency test broadcast
9:30 p.m. - trashtop: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ rofl

8:57 p.m. - Bogan Prime: are you hype tho
8:57 p.m. - Bogan Prime: for
8:57 p.m. - Bogan Prime: JETPACKS
8:57 p.m. - vaylren: no
8:57 p.m. - Bogan Prime: G E T A J E T P A C K M A T T
8:57 p.m. - vaylren: people are gonna play
8:57 p.m. - vaylren: more pyro than ever
8:57 p.m. - vaylren: why would i be happy
8:57 p.m. - Bogan Prime: get a jetpack matt
8:58 p.m. - Bogan Prime: g e t  a  j e t p a c k  m a t t
8:58 p.m. - vaylren: leave me alone
8:58 p.m. - vaylren: remove pyro
8:58 p.m. - vaylren: fuck tf2
8:58 p.m. - vaylren: i hate everything

10:23 PM - Bogan Prime: TIL that the rate of perfect pitch in people is around 1 in 10,000
10:23 PM - Bogan Prime: making me feel like the world's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ x-men character
10:23 PM - modus: dude forrest just got bitten on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by an ant

2:28 p.m. - vaylren: sometimes i feel like a failure or stupid in this world
2:29 p.m. - vaylren: then i go to a public toilet and someone has managed to ♥♥♥♥ halfway on the toilet and halfway down the side ontothe floor
2:29 p.m. - vaylren: and i dont feel so bad about myself any more


11:20 p.m. - Hand Shandicoot: ♥♥♥♥ you, George Lucas.
trade me your dead island epidemic open beta keys please
*DEAD* Nilski‎ : man you all play like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* Nilski‎ : flanking and ♥♥♥♥
gameME: Nilski (Pos 78, 6,807 points) disconnected (-17 points)

● *DEAD* Oldgay05‎ : i dont get why dont u just play mm if ur going to be a bunch of sweats
Player Oldgay05 left the game (Disconnected)

● *DEAD* i_need_the-oc_PEKI‎ : bogan
● i_need_the-oc_PEKI‎ : turn off the walls
● i_need_the-oc_PEKI‎ : youll play smarter
jonasensjpoa 28 Feb @ 1:50pm 
+rep pretty good player
Direfist 23 Feb @ 4:29am 
Your next challenge: Accept my invite
Dad 14 Mar, 2022 @ 2:57pm 
As a Gamer-American (Gamerican for short), you cannot possibly believe the daily struggle to simple survive in today’s P2W society. Each minute, I wonder if the McDonald’s WiFi will suddenly cut out, or be privatized, in which case I would have to bend once again to the will of society and either walk across the street (yes, walk) to Dunkin’ or I will have to willingly ask what their WiFi password is. Can non-gamers even begin to comprehend what an absolute terror my life is like on a daily basis? I’ve been kicked out of 5 different Burger Kings, simply because my “Desktop was taking up 3 tables,” or “Masturbating in public is “””illegal”””
The Day Man 8 Feb, 2022 @ 3:10am 
+rep more than just a sexual and sensual individual
Kramer 16 Oct, 2021 @ 7:30pm 
good bloke +rep
Dad 3 Apr, 2020 @ 2:45pm 
I just saw your tweet about how men are trash and. I just wanted to let you know I agree. Although I am a man (I know, urgh) I am on your side. "One of the good ones" as some may say.
BTW I didn't notice how fat your tiddies are till now but they're awesome