dontgetcought #lovelife
Matija Kljaić   Croatia :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty:
:steamsalty:**** HALL OF FAME (click more info) ****:steamsalty:

0:40 - TiNko 3:-): pitam hoceom rokat
0:40 - TiNko 3:-): ti kazes
0:41 - TiNko 3:-): rokat
0:41 - TiNko 3:-): cemo
0:41 - TiNko 3:-): i pocnes
0:41 - TiNko 3:-): rokat


23:38 - brki: pas mater
23:39 - brki: moram si curu nac
23:39 - brki: kad nemogu van idem onda bar igrice igrat do 6 ujutro


16:39 - brcho - : Please send message when brcho - comes online.


<22:16:24> "Gravity": i ja tebi
<22:16:25> "TINKO": i najbolji si
<22:16:26> "Gravity": jebem mamu
<22:16:26> "TINKO": i dobro
<22:16:27> "Gravity": puta 2
<22:16:28> "TINKO": vidimo se roje
<22:16:30> "Gravity": vidimo se


[nedjelja 19:45]
Poslao sam ti na face
Pogledaj to trebamo početi igrati

[nedjelja 19:47]
dontgetcought #lovelife:
koja igrica?

[nedjelja 19:47]
Role play se zove

Currently Offline
Video Showcase
VFR route Varaždin (LDVA) - Zadar (LDZD), Croatia
Artwork Showcase
****** This is your LIFE. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don't like something, CHANGE IT. If you don't like your job, QUIT! If you don't have enough time, stop watchin TV. If your are lookin for the love of your live, STOP; They will be waiting for you when you start doin things you LOVE. Stop over analyzing, LIFE IS SIMPLE !!!! All emotions are beautiful when you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to NEW things and people, we are UNITED in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion IS, and share your inspiring dream with THEM. TRAVEL OFTEN; Getting lose will help you find YOURSELF. Some opportunities only come ONCE, seize them. Be truth to who you are. Spend time with people you admire. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them SO GO OUT AND START CREATING. Live your dream, and wear your passion. ****** $$$$ LIFE IS SHORT $$$$
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3,460 hrs on record
last played on 20 Mar
10.1 hrs on record
last played on 11 Mar
41 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
b0unty hunt4h 17 hours ago 
get some balls son bcause thats very weak--
LiQuid 11 Mar @ 2:45pm 
╰┓┳╰╯┳┏╯ Specijalni poklon za mog prijatelja <3
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╰┫ ╭╮ ┃┃ Ruke ┃
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Eirviks 27 Feb @ 11:40am 
3.4k hours and need wh, what a bot
BOT Jamal 27 Feb @ 11:37am 
wh ar noob
lordfgg0tron 27 Feb @ 9:13am 
not a very good player and probably not a good "pilot" as well, with those 3k hours in cs
Pathos 12 Oct, 2024 @ 12:49pm 
an ani mal that cannot understand whether it should be an actor or not