
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Russian Gaston 最近的評論

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435 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
8 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 316.0 小時 (評論時已進行 315.9 小時)
As much as I'd love to give this game a good review, it has a handful of design choices that absolutely curb the experience.

The game starts out perfectly, the first few hours give me hope. Every single part of your ship matters, every action matters, you can directly take control of fights that last just the right amount of time to finish. You can only really effectively control one ship at a time, since giving orders is fairly useless for fights. (The game boils down to higher DPS wins)

However, as the game progresses, you'll begin to feel some things. The amount of resources required (Both metals and credits) to do anything, goes up exponentially to ridiculous levels.

There are certainly ways to make money and buy metals, however, there's caveats to this, let me explain to you the fleet system first.

The universe is split into sectors, each sector containing its own random encounter, emptiness, or stations.
To swap sectors, you will have to open up the sector menu, select a ship in it, and then go to it. There is a loading screen when swapping sectors. As the game goes on, your number of ships rises heftily, 20 is a number you can expect a little after half way through the progression. This means you can have up to 20 ships at that moment in different systems, and to give each of them an order (Such as dock at this station, repair the ship, accept or hand in this quest), you'd need to go into that system, and sit through that many loading screens.

A reason to have your ships spread out in different systems is so you can accept the procure missions, where the station needs an X amount of resource Y, and will pay you a lot for it. You go into that sector (Loading screen), accept the quest, send your ship in a procure mission through the orders system, wait 15-25 minutes depending on your order, go back into that system (Loading screen), dock your ship into the station that gave you the quest (This can take a minute or two), hand in order. With 20 ships in 20 different systems, you will be doing nothing but going through loading screen after loading screen, and after about an hour of constant micro managing, you will have enough money to afford a station for yourself.

There are other ways of making money, such as giving an order to your ships to run a trade (This takes 11-30 minutes each order), sending your ships out to salvage or mine, then sell what you get (These orders take 30 minutes each to give you a cache of resources, which is absolutely not enough later on the game to do anything with, make a number of ships unavailable easily leaving you with nothing to do if you're trying to get anything out of it, and are just not worth it because it's easier to make money and then buy what you need.)

You can also chase around pirates, or do other quests such as towing a ship to another sector, or destroying a base. However, chasing around pirates doesn't give you enough money for what you need and you're running the risks of biting off more than you can chew (The game has mad difficulty spikes, and mistakes will make you take your time...).

One other thing you can do to make money even more passively, is your own stations... they are incredibly expensive, need babysitting from raids that can be massive, and take many, many hours to give you your money's worth. The most cost-efficient station in the game is also the most expensive one, costing 435,550,500 to buy and generates 2,322,936 credits per minute of income. That's 217.5 minutes for it to pay back its self, a little over 3.5 hours. The cost I mentioned doesn't cover the full cost, because that price is just to place it down, not the components that it also needs, which are incredibly expensive. Not to mention, stations cost towards your ship cap, and require defence too. There are many other stations, quite some cheaper ones, but their ROI is exceptionally worse and still require defending. There's also technically "free" station, but as you can expect, nothing.

What does this mean? Tab out. Wait over night. Money. Yes that's right, the second best money making in the game is just leaving it on over night. This isn't the start of these issues however, as even if you were to give your fleet a massive order, such as sending them all to go mining so that you get something to work with, you'll have to tab out just the same. The fun battles with the right length I mentioned? They get longer as the game goes on, much longer - tab out... and wait. This is how I got my high hour count, forgetting the game was even on.

Now, let's say you finished a tough battle, your ships took a lot of damage, so on and so forth, there's the ship-building GUI... for every ship, you can have to switch to it from the menu, open its build menu, repair, confirm, for each and every ship based on how many ships you have. This gets tedious really fast... got some new turrets? Want to respec your ships? For each and everyship... open it up, remove all components one by one, add in new ones one by one, add in the 20+ turrets one by one... for as many ships as you have. There is absolutely no QOL to help you here, and the replace turret button absolutely does not help, because most of the times it can't even be used. Not enough turret slots, turret was broken, you name it.

There are some stations which aren't for money making, such as making fighters, or an ore refinement facility, or making turrets! However, buying them gives no benefits compared to using one that's owned by an AI... despite having paid for the facility, you still have extremely overwhelming costs waiting for you, including component requirements that make them hilariously expensive to operate still. The players that could sit through all these issues (Some players like a tedious grind, it's their choice), were able to make use of the turret factory since it gives you a tiny bit of choice, which you can properly use at the very end of the game, so you can min-max.

There is one more thing to add, the DLC.
The DLC is in the game, in your universe, in your tooltips, in what the NPCs say, in pool of quests you can get, in the sectors. It will be everywhere, and if you don't own it - that's dead generated content, and the game misleading you. There's no way to turn this off, and the devs don't care.

I figured I'd try to look for solutions on the discord, and give some feedback, but apparently the feedback channel is there just for mods to get defensive at the slightest hint of criticism, poke at you, and then tell you to send your feedback through the bugs channel because... the discord (With a community manager present that has only 3 total messages on the discord) isn't looked at or something, I don't know.
張貼於 6 月 3 日。 最後編輯於 6 月 3 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 196.0 小時
The high hour count doesn't mean many hours of enjoyment, but many hours of AFK as you painfully wait for literally anything and everything in the game...

Hilariously unbalanced, deception minions suck at every difficulty, and the best strategy is to just absolutely ass blast anything that comes your way with trap spam.

Combat is even worse, one of the very first henchmen that you can get, is completely broken and overpowered, hilariously trivializing the game. There's also a stupid disparity between the geniuses themselves.

Vaults are stupidly expensive to build and egregiously large in this game, and incredibly tedious too! Power generation is even WORSE! The energy generator room will be 50% of your base by the end of the game, and it will not be a pretty sight.

In other words, the game relies a lot on making you spam structures to the point that it's hilariously tedious, and disgustingly ugly.

Side missions can lock each other out at random, which sounds reasonable, but turns out to be stupidly annoying since you'll then need a guide in which order to do them.

Some time down the line they had added minion salaries... even if your vault is the second biggest room you have (Second to the power generator), you will struggle with minion salaries because of how little gold is stored in the vault room, and how expensive minions were made. Any large construction project you start will have you go through one or two rounds of minions ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ off.

These are all just surface level issues of course, the hilariously bad dialogue is just the icing on the top.

There will be no Evil Genius 3, and Evil Genius 2 might have been better off not made. The designers were pretty stupid, as they didn't integrate their cool ideas (which all fell flat) with any of the gameplay mechanics or balance tedium. Good one.
張貼於 5 月 16 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 4.9 小時
The visuals are the only good thing about the game, the rest is kinda just a directionless mess.
張貼於 2023 年 9 月 8 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 3.7 小時
This game is pretty bad compared to their two previous games, but I'm here for the review bomb
張貼於 2023 年 7 月 25 日。
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25 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
2 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 52.8 小時
Beware, the grind in the game scales exponentially, to the point where it was just a bit too much to bear. If you're into that sort of thing, all yours, but the amount of time you need before you can progress into the game, becomes long hours.
張貼於 2023 年 6 月 25 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
一位開發人員在 8 月 28 日 上午 2:45 作出回覆 (查看回覆)
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 133.9 小時 (評論時已進行 11.4 小時)
Game's got some nice concepts, but a lot of balancing issues. Luckily when someone makes an annoying outpost that's just not worth your time, you can abandon it with no penalty; but I get one raid on outposts I make at max so what's the point of making them?
張貼於 2023 年 4 月 9 日。
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一位開發人員在 2023 年 4 月 28 日 上午 6:30 作出回覆 (查看回覆)
175 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
9 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 37.4 小時 (評論時已進行 36.3 小時)
Don't bother, with all of the recent changes any fun mechanic was removed and the most tedious of mechanics were buffed. Also, content locked behind pay-walls. The new map is pretty half baked on top of that, it's not even properly finished.

To clarify,

For the content locked behind mtx are indeed cosmetics
Instead of taking the player friendly route and make the cosmetics purchasable with the normal currency, they decided to make it paid only. That is bad.
If you think cosmetics aren't content, then maybe you should learn what content is.

The new map lacks a proper intro and quite a lot of minor details are missing (The gate at the very start doesn't make a sound while moving) (This is just one of many)

TheFireDragoon thinks being held by a person for 3 whole seconds without anybody being able to stop him (Being able to stop him is what they removed) is the fun thing that was removed.

As for the player count, after the free weekend it will return to its original state of having about 700 players, that will dwindled to less than 100 over the coming 3 months.

The devs would rather make a working microtransactions store and release an unfinished map over focusing on bringing in players to make their money and keep the game alive.

Fun mechanics that were effectively removed or nerfed were being able to fight the killer properly (Using claymores and other explosives) and for some reason, the ability to reduce the cooldown of the mechanic's turret by destroying the current turret was nerfed into the ground and made completely useless. This is just one example.

The least fun killer to fight and also the strongest, being the strangler, was buffed to hell twice over. Whereas before he couldn't mindlessly just grab people because they'd stop him by pressing E on the person, now he can and will ♥♥♥♥ you over by just existing.

Since the latest patch, killers can now heal by killing. Any progress you made on damaging the killer just gets set back because strangler pressed right click xd

This is all without mentioning the poor treatment of the medic class, from being ♥♥♥♥ at healing to still ♥♥♥♥ at healing. The alternative healing item, being crafted by the technician at a low price was also nerfed into the ground.

With all this said, killers were still in a good standing before, it all depended on your skill and the skill of the group you were facing.
99% of the time, it was one side stomping the other, but only once in my 36 hours did a killer not get a kill in a whole game (By the way the killer acted, it was his first time)

tl;dr: Fun was nerfed.
張貼於 2020 年 2 月 13 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 2 月 17 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 248.8 小時
Game still has an insane amount of issues, and it's been in the works for a really long time. Credit where credit is due, the developers are working on it, but their direction doesn't seem very right. Still some fun things in the game, but it's held back by so many aspects.

Going from enemies that can snipe you at max range through foliage and kill you within less than a second they see you, to levels actually becoming a grind to get if you want to put a drill on your SV. The buggy and incredibly questionable enemies, to the incredibly annoying high damage and high numbers they swarm you at. To the annoying armor system that lets you craft only light armor, to the annoying hunger system. To the annoying oxygen system where your screen will turn into a red haze without warning if you keep your eye off it for a second. To the even more annoying armor system, where having armor equipped punishes you by lowering your jetpack's usefulness and makes you need food at an even more absurd rate than default. To the insanely annoying debuffs that most enemies have a 100% chance rate of applying on hit, that require an expensive item to fix. To the guns that feel like crap (Mag-dumping a small turret at closest proximity isn't enough to break it). To the absurd eating sounds, and questionable crafting recipes of just about everything in the game. To the incredibly strange progression system.

There is still a huge lack of direction in the game, and 8 major versions later, none of the base issues were ever addressed.

There is no consistency, building in survival will have you spend a lot of time having to cater for oxygen and hunger, because they go down too fast. Enemies are still imbalanced, turning around a new corner or entering a new room can have enemies spawn directly ON you. No indicator of armor being broken, enemies deal too much damage. Status effects are absurd. Building in space, the best way to build so you can use all three dimensions, is heavily discouraged, due to having a high requirements to be able to float around in space without dying, combined with the constant high flow of food and oxygen.
張貼於 2019 年 3 月 3 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 7 月 7 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
目前顯示第 1-8 項,共 8 項