76561198077206172 1/set./2014 às 5:36 
whats up ?? why so unresponsive these days ??
Demonicwolf강 12/abr./2014 às 3:24 
did you get the games?
Demonicwolf강 7/abr./2014 às 21:25 
dude come online you where on yesterday wtf
John808 21/jul./2013 às 17:39 
copkilla2003 21/jul./2013 às 10:27 
a ww2 fighter plane game that people make jokes about baceause u could crash things
John808 21/jul./2013 às 10:04 
Whats that freezer
copkilla2003 21/jul./2013 às 10:01 
yeah i totaly agrre wit u o wait IL2 rules :p but i still think tf2
John808 16/mai./2013 às 22:22 
Yeah TF2 rules!!!!!!