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Donquavious LeDarius Rinkleton 25 Jun, 2018 @ 8:01pm 
I am a 13 year old girl & watch porn secretly in bed most nights,is this un usual or bad? (I don't *** or anything, I just touch myself and finger a little, I get orgasms I think, cause I cross my legs, squeeze a pillow and I can feel my heart thumping in my vagina) but is this really weird, am I the only...
Donquavious LeDarius Rinkleton 25 Jun, 2018 @ 7:55pm 
It's COOL to be autistic!
Post this on the wall of an autistic friend and tell them how COOL they are
DGH2228 21 Jun, 2018 @ 6:11pm 

This is the administrator of the RSP (Roblox Sex Party) gaming community, of which you are a part of. Recently we have noticed a decline of your posts to the following forums, among others:

- "Naughty Times at the Arcade"
- "Sharquisha (NSFW)"
- "High School RP 18+"

We would like to inform you that a failure of continual behavior to contribute to these conversations as you have been doing will result in a demotion in your rank, which we know you have worked very hard for these last few years. We certainly do not wish to demote you from the Sex Lords rank, and suggest you immediately return to your normal activity.

Thanks for understanding and playing, i_love_black_roblox_tiddies_2005 !

Yours Sincerely,
SPLERb 26 Jan, 2018 @ 5:42pm 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4 CASES = 1 KEY : {LINK REMOVED}
Donquavious LeDarius Rinkleton 30 Dec, 2017 @ 8:10pm 
Donquavious LeDarius Rinkleton 30 Dec, 2017 @ 8:10pm 