Damon Oehlman   Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Software developer and gamer. Currently collecting badges for all those games I bought and then never played...
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Screenshot Showcase
When a baby dodo and a raptor are the very best of friends.
Review Showcase
59 Hours played
This is a fantastic ARPG, sporting intuitive controls (for the most part - see below) and a level of depth that is engaging but is not "complexity for complexities" sake. Definitely the first time in a long time that a game has engaged me striving for completion on Steam achievements, which is likely due to the games excellent pacing.

The story is pretty solid too, with voice acting that I personally couldn't get enough of (well as far as the mocking "narrator" figure goes).

With regards to controls, I found all the controls to be solid, but I would recommend rebinding the switch weapon control from "~" to "R" as I personally find myself toggling between the two weapons that Victor is able to carry quite often. The reach to the ~ key feels quite unnatural, while R feels very natural.

Fantastic game. Has reignited my interest in the ARPG genre, though I expect I'll be disappointed with other titles after playing this one.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Achievement Showcase