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Review Showcase
87 Hours played
An addictive, turn-based rpg that makes me remember the days of my childhood playing a Gameboy Advanced. If I received this game as a child back in 2001 it easily would've been one of my favourite games, competing with pokemon for my gametime on those long car-rides we used to love or hate.

As it stands today, though, the game APPEARS to be too simple. But then you dig deeper, you unlock some more creature tiers, you upgrade the blacksmith a bit more, you find your first nether orb. It then becomes apparent that this game is much deeper than you initially thought, and before you know it you've clocked up over a day of gametime.

So what do you actually do in the game?

You spend your time running through simple, randomly generated levels, to defeat enemies, gather loot, and get resources. The combat itself is simple, you use your creatures attack, defend, and taunt your enemy's creatures, all the while deciding whether you should extract a creature (think of it like throwing a pokeball, kinda), or if the fight goes south, flee.

The levels can be completed in between 5-15 minutes. Where you are then challenged by the choice of whether you should go down to the next level, or head back to your Castle.

What is the point of the game?

The game has a progression system similar to a roguelite. After you head back to your castle you spend the resources you've gathered on new creatures, gear, and castle upgrades. All of this to improve your ability to take on greater challenges. Don't confuse this game with a true roguelite, however! Permadeath is not a core mechanic to the game, though it is available in the options if you're inclined.

In conclusion this game is an iceberg. Deceptively simple and small on the surface but a behemoth once you dive deeper. Well worth the 10 dollars, but if you're still not sure there is a demo available on their website.
EmP 28 Nov, 2015 @ 2:10am 
Hey - I was flicking through the Siralim reviews when I came across yours which I thought was well written. My idea behind the group is to have a little corner of Steam where we can all review a little, maybe someday even offer out some review codes for those who want them. I thought you could it in with that.