Angajații Valve nu-ți vor solicita niciodată informații personale sau de cont, pe Steam sau oriunde altundeva. Poți ignora fără grijă pe oricine pretinde că te-a raportat în mod eronat. Nu vrei primi o interdicție pentru acest lucru. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor cu privire la contul tău Steam, accesează
Drew Gottlieb   Seattle, Washington, United States
Valve Employee :headcrab:
În prezent offline
Beware of Scams
Valve Employees (including myself) are not on Discord or any other platforms asking you for personal or account information. You can't get banned by someone claiming to have mistakenly reported you. You will never be directed to reach out to me for account help.

Only share information with Steam customer support through the official website:

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Jocul favorit
charlesthebird 13 iul. 2012 la 16:25 
pari47 13 iul. 2012 la 15:10 
Hey, dunno if you still remember me. I bought CS:S on my other steam acct again and would be interested in playing a game or two with ya. add fallenronin if you don't already have me
Drew 14 apr. 2012 la 21:28 
Huh, a new comment interface. Interesting.
pneumono 4 aug. 2010 la 5:49 
No my good sir, _you_ are lacking of GBs. And WiFis.
Jonnyboi99 30 iun. 2010 la 21:16 
Yo we should hit up GMod sometime, i just bought it! :)
nerd 12 mai 2010 la 17:06 
You are superior. I bow down to you.