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Опубликовано: 24 авг. 2015 г. в 3:46
Обновлено: 24 авг. 2015 г. в 15:00

I was under the impression that this was a football simulator. Let me tell you, it is NOT!

This is an abomination of the beautiful sport of football, enjoyed by millions around the world and played by pro's such as Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo (they are amazing)

BUT when I spent my $20.00 United States Dollars on this so called "football simulator", I was rudely informed during the tutorial that I could not get out of the stupid rocket powered buggy, and to shoot a goal, I needed to drive in to an oversized football. How do you call this a game?

Cars are meant for driving to and from the stadium to watch soccer games, NOT to play soccer.

I have sent a request for a refund and will get all my cousins on the developers if they do not accept the refund.


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Комментариев: 19
Snowy The Wolf 16 дек. 2018 г. в 10:39 
what the heck

Some1 is salty :steamsalty:
Neduz 26 авг. 2015 г. в 4:58 
Your sense of humour is remarkable. Glad you had a good time.
sm00sh 26 авг. 2015 г. в 4:23 
again, nick, google what "/s" means.
Neduz 26 авг. 2015 г. в 3:14 
Haha. I can't help but wonder if you were born stupid or just raised that way. Anyways, we won't get any further here so in the future I'd suggest you'd stay away from reviewing things you really don't have any idea of what it is. You say we are fanboys who are protecting our dear developer when you are the one bitchin' about this game being a scam just because it isn't football, a game you clearly love so much. League isn't a word that is purely associated with football, or soccer for that matter. League is associated with almost every teambased sport there is out there and as such this game, Rocket League, is clearly to be associated with the word; League.
sm00sh 26 авг. 2015 г. в 2:49 
alright man, I'm fucking done. Google /s. This has been fun though.
[Lemons] Derp 26 авг. 2015 г. в 2:05 
Why Are You Capitalize Every Word? Anyway, I don't have rocket league. I don't care about the game and my pc cant even run it. All I wanted to show you is that my argument is invaild as much as yours (and maybe less then yours). Also, your sentences isn't making any sense "Your Argument Is Invalid You Are Stupid Rocket League Is A Scam"
sm00sh 25 авг. 2015 г. в 14:53 
Your Argument Is Invalid You Are Stupid Rocket League Is A Scam You Just Are A Fanboy Who Will Do Anything To Protect His Sacred Developers
[Lemons] Derp 25 авг. 2015 г. в 2:49 
I gave you all the meaning of league to show you all the different meaning leauge actually has. Of course league can be football. But it can be wide variety of meanings which arnt sport. With your logic you can be mad that it isn't about the band or the measure unit or even the program for service learning.
Neduz 25 авг. 2015 г. в 2:11 
And you believe that?
sm00sh 25 авг. 2015 г. в 0:34 
This is not an argument, so how could I do that? I'm simply stating FACTS which these people are too stupid to believe. I'm sorry you don't like soccer and you happen to like this game, although what these devs did was wholly illegal and should be punishable by a very hefty fine, in which I should be compensated for pointing this out.