"You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows" - Psalm 23:5-
Etalase Screenshot
It kills from this angle :D
Etalase Ulasan
This is a stupidly broken, over-the-top beat 'em up which was a huge commercial success. It is a classic title and some EVO champions owe their fame to this game. The controls are very easy. All the characters are super cheap and super broken. Button mashing can get you very far, with a bit of strategy with the Assists. Some characters like Dr Doom, Morrigan and Vergil are clearly power abuse and unbalanced as hell. But it becomes fair and fun since everybody can abuse the same lineup over and over just for the sh*t and giggles. I think that's part of the joy of playing UMVC3. The joy of just letting loose and going bonkers with the mashing and leaving your brains at home. I do recommend this game since the character roster is huge and the art style is very easy on the eyes.
The Spy´ 4 Nov 2023 @ 9:10pm 
hbla pe kausa te achoras no!!
Lu2 23 Des 2020 @ 8:48pm 
happy holidays
Lu2 4 Jul 2020 @ 10:53pm 
The Best duck on world :praisesun:
Lu2 21 Des 2019 @ 9:51pm 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays:winter2019happyyul:
Baghdaddy 28 Jun 2019 @ 6:37am 
+REP Nice and friendly trader!