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1 van de 38 (3%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Break Out

Complete the Sand Sliding path
Ontgrendeld op 8 dec 2024 om 2:54

Clear Sight

Clear all watchtowers in the game


Find all anvils


Collect all upgrade shards


Stay in the air for 60 seconds in one go

Tributes of Caladrias

Collect 10,000 Tributes in total


Kill 50 Wraiths by shattering them


Slay all Elite Wraiths

Flawless Victory

Kill a Colossal Wraith without taking damage

Big Bazar

Find the Travelling Vendor in at least 6 different spots

Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds

Collect all armours

All There Is

Unlock and fully upgrade all perks

Fashion Victim

Dye an armour for the first time

False God

Destroy all Heavenly Shrines


Upgrade an Essence Stone to Rank 7

Stone Collection

Own 25 Essence Stones


Kill a Scatterer with its own mines

Feeling Fancy

Find all cosmetic items

Painstaking Persistence

Closed a Corruption Breach, including an optional goal

The Forgotten Realm

Completed The Forgotten Realm's Quest

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