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Yayınlanma: 6 Eyl 2024 @ 7:39
Güncellenme: 19 Eyl 2024 @ 8:01

Game dev pissed bcs AI took their job and protests by hacking the game sums up the campaign mode. The story is a 'the power of friendship' kind of story, until it gets real in the last two chapters, but we ain't here for story.

Customization is only limited by your creativity, and gunpla selection. All those gunpla and I still can't recreate my irl custom build which require GM Sniper K9 and GM III beam master, which is oddly not in the game. Anyways, customization allows for asymmetrical and silly builds bcs you can modify each body part properties like scaling. Not to mention all the builder parts available.

The game is like minecraft in a sense, its about creativity and building gunpla. Combat is mindlessly fun, especially if you've found your pace. Not great for replayablity though, it gets old after the first run. Although the game favors melee combat more than ranged, do with that as you will. Gamplay loop is simple: farm, build, diorama, repeat.

The negative thing I can say is the UI is cluttered and inefficient. UI is filled with unnecessary decorative element, and how the menu hides options behind a button is annoying. Why would you hide a slider behind a press of a button to operate? it confuses me still after some time, and things that could be hidden behind extra option, isn't, which contributes to the clutter i mention before. overall UI/UX isn't the most beautiful and efficient, but at least it isn't Ubisoft.
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