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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.5 hrs on record
Posted: 26 Mar, 2024 @ 1:55am

This game suffers from a MAJOR technical issue relating to the physics engine, rendering it more or less unplayable on some modern hardware.

If your framerate goes above a certain limit, the character starts to get stuck in the ground. And no, we aren't talking about 1000 fps or some ridiculous number - the issue already appears if you run at around 150 fps, which isn't unreasonable for modern gaming monitors.

The game doesn't support VRR and doesn't include a framerate limiter, meaning your only option (aside from resorting to external hacks) is to enable V-Sync, which is implemented horribly in this game/engine, and adds 100-200ms of input lag, making the game unenjoyable.

The story also feels like something written with the explicit purpose of being sad and getting "the feels" out of people, which IMO is a cheap way to get emotions. I didn't feel interested enough in the story to continue fighting the technical issues this game has.
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