Amit Patel   Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India
Dont worry... It's Magic
Kirjautunut ulos
Popup Power Gaming 28.2. klo 3.11 
+rep pro
_ Y0ungftw^ 22.2.2023 klo 0.43 
Calling out all the old/retired Gamers back to Counter Strike 1.6 .
Let's bring back Life to this game.

IP :
_ Y0ungftw^ 10.2.2023 klo 3.44 
╰┓┳╰╯┳┏╯ Special Delivery For A Super
╭┛╰━━╯┗━━━╮Awesome Friend
┃┃    ┏━╭╰╯╮
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╰┫ ╭╮ ┃┃ Cancer ┃
 ┃ ┃┃ ┃╰━━━━╯
╭┛ ┃┃ ┗-
亗 OuMuaMua 彡 14.8.2022 klo 23.40 
Rogue Assassin 1.3.2018 klo 23.43 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LINKKI POISTETTU}
747 19.2.2018 klo 20.16 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LINKKI POISTETTU}