The Lorax   Brazil
Hey guys, A here. I am, finally, setting a few ground rules for my profile!

Rule #1 - No trades with random strangers

Rule #2 - I will only trade if I like you (this applies for people who got mad at me for not trading, I'm sorry but you guys sucked)

Rule #3 - No friending with random strangers, unless its for trade (Look R#4)

Rule #4 - Trading may sometimes happen with a random stranger, but only if I am interested in a unique item or under dire circumstances

Thank you for visiting my profile, and thank you for following the rules above. If you happen to be a hacker or scammer pleae piss off as I do not tolerate abuse over gaming platforms. And a big shout to those who are always awesome and continue to trade like absolute weapons!!!

Continue "going in Sneaky Peaky like..."

Brian and Hakan should ligmaballs !@#$
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