Kermit Black
chunkyhippo, yeah
Behold, an immortal body with endless power! :chibiyuzuriha:
I don't accept friend requests from Private Profiles anymore.

Oh, I have a youtube channel now: [check it out!!!] :B1:
"thoufh it up"

What information?
I don't see anything here.
my eyes are open.

I sure like Haikus
They make me feel all fuzzy
And cough up hairballs.

Flulffy,Sweet pancakes
What would I do without you
I guess I would die.

Do you like waffles? I don't. :csgoanarchist:

I don't like this new Summary Format. It's silleh.:csdmeh:


Wow I was cringey back in the day.

Steam says I have to tell the world that im awesome and that I really like cookies. Thanks Steam I guess.

:csgostar:Once upon a time there was a guy named Francis. He always said the funniest things. Then one day, a super serious guy named Frank came up to Francis and said to him, "I'm super serious. You can't funny me." So Francis said the word shennanigans. The super serious Frank smiled and he died because he smiled for once in his life. Then the police arrested Francis for being too funny. But Francis gave the police officers the funny and they died too. From then on, Francis became known as The Funny. :csgostar:

BTW you should know I am trans-ethnic korean and japanese. :8bitheart:
Gablota prac graficznych
Kermit Black
2 1
Gablota najrzadszych osiągnięć
Gablota zrzutów ekranu
thank you arc system works
3 3
Gablota zrzutów ekranu
Gablota perfekcjonisty
Abu Ghalyoun 8 kwietnia 2023 o 16:39 
Kermit Black 10 sierpnia 2021 o 16:57 
Magpie 10 sierpnia 2021 o 16:56 
luv u tho
Magpie 10 sierpnia 2021 o 16:56 
die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die
snail 18 września 2019 o 15:33 
snail 16 września 2019 o 23:47 
Why you not a pancake anymore ;-;